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📜  laravel csrf token - Html (1)

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Laravel CSRF Token - HTML


In web applications, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks are a common security vulnerability. Laravel provides built-in CSRF protection by generating and validating CSRF tokens. This markdown guide will explain everything you need to know about Laravel's CSRF token when working with HTML forms.

What is a CSRF Token?

A CSRF token is a security measure that helps protect forms from being submitted by harmful requests. It is a random value assigned to a user's session and embedded within an HTML form. When the form is submitted, the server validates the token to ensure it matches the one stored in the user's session, thus confirming the authenticity of the request.

How to Generate a CSRF Token in Laravel

Laravel makes it easy to generate CSRF tokens using its built-in functionality. To generate a CSRF token in HTML, you can use the csrf_field directive or the @csrf Blade directive.

<form method="POST" action="/submit-form">
    <!-- Rest of the form fields -->

Using the @csrf Blade directive is a shorter version of manually typing the HTML code. It will generate a hidden input field with the CSRF token value.

How to Validate a CSRF Token in Laravel

When a form is submitted, Laravel automatically validates the provided CSRF token for you. If the token is missing or doesn't match the one stored in the user's session, Laravel will throw a TokenMismatchException and reject the request.

In your application's route or controller that handles the form submission, no special code is needed to validate the CSRF token. Laravel handles this behind the scenes.

Further Customization

Laravel provides further customization options for generating and validating CSRF tokens. You can configure the behavior in the VerifyCsrfToken middleware or extend the VerifyCsrfToken class to add custom logic.

For example, you can exclude specific routes from CSRF protection or customize the error response when a CSRF token fails validation. Consult the Laravel documentation for more details on advanced customization.


The Laravel CSRF token is an essential security feature that protects your HTML forms from cross-site request forgery attacks. By using the built-in csrf_field or @csrf directives, Laravel handles token generation and validation for you, making it easy to implement and secure your web forms. Remember to include the CSRF token in every HTML form that submits data in your Laravel application.

Remember to consult the Laravel documentation for comprehensive and detailed information on CSRF protection in Laravel.