📜  Pearson 相关性 - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:18:17.445000             🧑  作者: Mango

Pearson Correlation - Shell/Bash

The Pearson Correlation is a statistical test used to measure the linear correlation between two variables. It is a popular method for analyzing data in many scientific fields, including finance, biology, and psychology.

In Shell/Bash programming, you can use a combination of built-in tools and third-party software to calculate Pearson correlation coefficients. Here's how:


Before calculating the Pearson correlation, you need two sets of data that you want to compare. Typically, these data sets should be stored in separate files or variables.

Method 1: Built-in tools

The easiest way to calculate the Pearson correlation in Shell/Bash is to use the bc command-line utility, which is included with most Unix-like operating systems.


# define two data sets
X=(1 2 3 4 5)
Y=(6 7 8 9 10)

# calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient
echo -e "${X[*]}\n${Y[*]}" | awk '{sum1+=$1;sum2+=$2;x[i++]=$1;y[j++]=$2;}END{for (k in x) {sumsq1+= (x[k]-(sum1/i))^2;sumsq2+= (y[k]-(sum2/j))^2;sum12+= (x[k]-(sum1/i))*(y[k]-(sum2/j));} print sum12/sqrt(sumsq1*sumsq2)}'

This script defines two arrays, X and Y, containing the data sets. It then pipes the arrays into the awk command, which calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient using the standard formula.

This method works well for small data sets, but it can become unwieldy for larger sets or more complex calculations.

Method 2: Third-party software

To handle larger data sets or more complex calculations, you may want to use a dedicated statistical software package, such as R or Python.

Here's an example in Python:


import numpy

# define two data sets
X = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Y = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient
print(numpy.corrcoef(X, Y)[0, 1])

This script uses the NumPy library to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient. It defines two lists, X and Y, containing the data sets, and then uses the corrcoef() function to compute the coefficient.

This method is more flexible and powerful than the built-in tools, but it requires some knowledge of statistical software programming.


The Pearson correlation is a useful tool for analyzing the relationship between two variables. In Shell/Bash programming, you can use a combination of built-in tools and third-party software to calculate this coefficient. The choice of method depends on the size and complexity of the data sets, as well as the knowledge and resources of the programmer.