📜  wasmtime (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:21:06.484000             🧑  作者: Mango



Wasmtime is a WebAssembly runtime that allows running WebAssembly modules in various contexts. It is written in Rust and can be easily integrated into Rust programs. Wasmtime aims to be lightweight, fast, and modular to provide flexibility to developers.


Wasmtime is compatible with the WebAssembly specification and supports all the instructions and modules defined in the standard. It also provides support for the WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) which provides a system interface and C libraries for WebAssembly modules.


Wasmtime is designed to be modular which makes it easy to add new features or modify existing ones. Developers can configure Wasmtime to support their specific use cases and optimizations.


Wasmtime can be easily embedded into Rust programs and can be used as a library. This allows developers to add WebAssembly support to their Rust programs easily and without any additional overhead.


Wasmtime has been optimized for performance and is fast compared to other WebAssembly runtimes. It uses JIT compilation to optimize the execution of WebAssembly modules and provides low-to-no overhead for calling WebAssembly functions from Rust.


To install Wasmtime, you can use the cargo package manager by running the following command:

cargo install wasmtime-cli

To run a WebAssembly module using Wasmtime, you need to create an instance of the Wasmtime runtime and create a module from the WebAssembly binary. Here is an example program that loads and runs a simple WebAssembly module:

use wasmtime::{Config, Engine, Module, Store};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new();
    let engine = Engine::new(&config).unwrap();
    let store = Store::new(&engine);

    let module = Module::from_file(&engine, "example.wasm").unwrap();

    let instance = store.instantiate(&module).unwrap();
    let func = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>("hello").unwrap();

In this example, we create a Config object with default settings, an Engine object, and a Store object using the engine. We then load the WebAssembly module from the file "example.wasm" and create an instance of the module using the store. Finally, we get a typed function "hello" from the instance and call it.