📜  poop - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:33:44             🧑  作者: Mango

poop - Shell-Bash


poop is a simple Bash script that allows developers and system administrators to clean up their working directories by deleting all files and directories that match certain patterns. The script is designed to be fast, reliable, and customizable, making it an ideal choice for those who need to stay organized and keep their systems running smoothly.


You can download the poop script from the GitHub repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/username/repo.git

Once you have downloaded the script, you can install it by running the following commands:

$ cd poop/
$ chmod +x poop.sh
$ sudo ln -s $PWD/poop.sh /usr/local/bin/poop

The poop script is very easy to use. Simply navigate to the directory you want to clean up, and run the poop command followed by any options or patterns you want to match:

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ poop -r "tmp_*"

This will delete all files and directories that start with "tmp_" in the ~/Downloads directory.

You can use a variety of options and patterns to customize the cleanup process. Some of the most useful options include:

  • -r to delete files and directories recursively
  • -f to force the deletion of read-only files
  • -d to only delete directories
  • -v to show the files that are being deleted

You can also use patterns to match specific files and directories. Some of the most common patterns include:

  • * to match any character(s)
  • ? to match any single character
  • [abc] to match any of the specified characters
  • {foo,bar} to match either "foo" or "bar"

poop is a simple and powerful tool that can help you keep your working directories clean and organized. Whether you're a developer or a system administrator, this script is sure to become a valuable addition to your toolkit. Give it a try today and see how much time and effort it can save you!