📜  grepp (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:01:04.422000             🧑  作者: Mango


Grepp is a popular Unix command-line utility used for searching text files for specific strings of text. The name 'grepp' is derived from the two Unix commands 'grep' (global regular expression print) and 'pp' (pretty-print).


Grepp is usually included in most Unix-based systems, including Linux and macOS.


The basic syntax for using grepp is:


Where OPTIONS are optional arguments that can modify the behavior of grepp, PATTERN is the string of text to search for, and FILE... are the files to search in.

For example, to search for the string 'Lorem ipsum' in a file called 'example.txt', you would run:

grepp 'Lorem ipsum' example.txt

This would output all lines in 'example.txt' that contain the string 'Lorem ipsum'.


Some common options for grepp include:

  • -i: Ignore case when matching
  • -n: Show line numbers of matching lines
  • -r: Recursively search files in a directory
  • -v: Invert the match, i.e. show lines that don't match the pattern

For example, to search for the string 'lorem ipsum' (ignoring case) in all files within a directory called 'docs', you would run:

grepp -i -r 'lorem ipsum' docs/
Regular expressions

Grepp also supports regular expressions, which allow for more complex pattern matching. For example, to search for lines that start with 'Lorem' and end with 'dolor', you could use the following regular expression:

grepp '^Lorem.*dolor$' example.txt

This would output all lines in 'example.txt' that start with 'Lorem' and end with 'dolor'.


Grepp is a powerful and versatile tool for searching text files. With its support for options and regular expressions, it can help programmers quickly find and analyze data within large amounts of text.