📜  react simbu - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:46:57.906000             🧑  作者: Mango

React Simbu - JavaScript

Reactive Programming Library


React Simbu is a JavaScript library for reactive programming. It provides a simple and expressive way to handle application state changes and automatically update the user interface accordingly. With React Simbu, you can create reactive applications that are easy to understand, test, and maintain.

Why React Simbu?

React Simbu offers several benefits for developers working with JavaScript:

  1. Declarative Syntax: React Simbu allows you to describe how your application should react to state changes using a declarative syntax. This makes it easier to understand and reason about your code.

  2. Automatic UI Updates: React Simbu takes care of updating the user interface automatically whenever the underlying state changes. You don't need to manually manipulate the DOM, which reduces the risk of introducing bugs and makes your code more efficient.

  3. Reactive Data Flow: React Simbu introduces a reactive data flow model, where changes in data automatically propagate to the dependent components. This simplifies the management of data dependencies and ensures consistent and up-to-date UI rendering.

  4. Composable Components: React Simbu encourages the use of reusable and composable components. You can easily build complex user interfaces by combining simple components together, making your code more modular and maintainable.

Getting Started

To get started with React Simbu, you need to include the library in your JavaScript project. You can do this by adding the following script tag to your HTML file:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react-simbu"></script>

Once the library is included, you can start using React Simbu in your JavaScript code. Here's a simple example to demonstrate its usage:

import { createSignal, onCleanup } from 'react-simbu';

const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);

function App() {
  onCleanup(() => console.log('Cleanup logic here'));

  return (
      <h1>React Simbu Example</h1>
      <p>Count: {count()}</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count() + 1)}>Increment</button>

const rootElement = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

In this example, we create a signal count using the createSignal function. The count signal represents the state of our application. We then use the setCount function to update the value of the count signal.

Inside the App component, we display the current value of count using the curly braces syntax {count()}. We also define a button that increments the count when clicked.

Finally, we use ReactDOM.render to render the App component into the root element of our HTML page.


React Simbu is a powerful JavaScript library for reactive programming. It provides an elegant solution to handle application state changes and automatically update the user interface. By using React Simbu, you can build reactive applications that are easier to develop, test, and maintain.

Note: Don't forget to clean up any event listeners or subscriptions using the onCleanup function to avoid memory leaks.