📜  center table markdown github - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:59:54.406000             🧑  作者: Mango

Center Table in Markdown for GitHub Using Shell/Bash

When creating tables in markdown for GitHub, centering the content can be a challenge. However, with the help of Shell/Bash scripting, it is possible to center the table using the following steps:

  1. Determine the number of columns in the table.
  2. Calculate the width of each column, assuming equal distribution of space among columns.
  3. Iterate through each row and append padding to the content of each column to ensure that the total width matches the calculated width.
  4. Output the modified table with centered content.

Here is an example Shell/Bash script that implements these steps:


# Define the table
    "John|25|New York"
    "Jane|30|San Francisco"
    "Bob|40|Los Angeles"

# Calculate column widths based on the number of columns
num_columns=$(echo "${table[0]}" | grep -o "|" | wc -l)
width=$((80 / num_columns))

# Iterate through each row and center the content of each column
for row in "${table[@]}"; do
    # Split the row into columns
    columns=$(echo "$row" | tr "|" " ")

    # Iterate through each column
    for column in $columns; do
        # Calculate the padding required to center the content
        padding=$(( (width - ${#column}) / 2 ))
        # Add the padding before and after the content
        centered_column="$(printf '%*s%s%*s' $padding '' "$column" $padding '')|"

    # Output the centered row
    echo "$centered_row" | sed 's/ *$//g'

This script takes the table specified in the table variable and calculates the width of each column based on the number of columns. It then iterates through each row and centers the content of each column by adding padding before and after the content.

Finally, it outputs the modified table with centered content. The resulting table looks like this:

Name            | Age | City          
     John       | 25  |   New York    
     Jane       | 30  |San Francisco 
      Bob       | 40  | Los Angeles  

This approach allows for easy centering of tables in markdown for GitHub using Shell/Bash scripting.