📜  how-enable-rewrite-rules-plesk-nginx (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:44.474000             🧑  作者: Mango

How to Enable Rewrite Rules in Plesk Nginx

Plesk is a control panel commonly used for managing web servers. If you are using Plesk with the Nginx web server, you may want to enable rewrite rules for your website. Rewrite rules allow you to manipulate URLs and redirect traffic based on specific conditions.

Enabling rewrite rules in Plesk Nginx can be achieved by following these steps:

Step 1: Access Plesk Panel

Login to the Plesk control panel using your credentials.

Step 2: Select the Domain

Navigate to the "Websites & Domains" tab and select the domain for which you want to enable rewrite rules.

Step 3: Open Additional Nginx Directives

Within the domain settings, click on the "Apache & Nginx Settings" option.

Step 4: Enable "Additional Nginx Directives"

Scroll down to the "Additional Nginx directives" section and open it by ticking the checkbox.

Step 5: Add Rewrite Rules

Inside the "Additional Nginx directives" textarea, you can add your desired rewrite rules. Each rewrite rule should be written on a separate line. Here's an example of a rewrite rule that redirects all HTTP traffic to HTTPS:

if ($scheme = http) {
    rewrite ^(.*)$ https://$server_name$1 permanent;

Make sure to include proper syntax and consider any specific requirements for your website.

Step 6: Save Changes

Click on the "Apply" button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

That's it! The rewrite rules you added will now be applied to your website hosted on Plesk Nginx server.

It is important to note that enabling rewrite rules using this method is specific to Plesk Nginx configuration and may not work for other server setups.

For more information about rewrite rules syntax and advanced configurations, you can refer to the official Nginx documentation.

Remember to test your rewrite rules thoroughly to ensure they are functioning as expected.

Note: The above steps are based on Plesk Onyx version. The steps may vary slightly for different versions of Plesk.

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# How to Enable Rewrite Rules in Plesk Nginx

Plesk is a control panel commonly used for managing web servers. If you are using Plesk with the Nginx web server, you may want to enable rewrite rules for your website. Rewrite rules allow you to manipulate URLs and redirect traffic based on specific conditions.


Remember to test your rewrite rules thoroughly to ensure they are functioning as expected.

> Note: The above steps are based on Plesk Onyx version. The steps may vary slightly for different versions of Plesk.