📜  fake json post api - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:09.603000             🧑  作者: Mango

Fake JSON Post API - Javascript


Fake JSON Post API is a useful tool for developers who want to test their front-end or backend applications without having to create and use real data. It allows you to create dummy data and simulate a server response, which can be very helpful during the development process.

In this article, we will explain how to use Fake JSON Post API with Javascript.


To use Fake JSON Post API, you need to install it first. You can do it by using npm:

npm install fake-json-post-api

Once you have installed it, you can import it into your Javascript file:

const fakeApi = require('fake-json-post-api');
Creating a Mock Data

To create a mock data, you need to use a schema. A schema is a blueprint that defines the structure of your data. You can create a schema using the Schema class provided by Fake JSON Post API.

Here's an example:

const { Schema } = require('fake-json-post-api');

const userSchema = new Schema({
  firstName: { type: 'string', faker: 'name.firstName' },
  lastName: { type: 'string', faker: 'name.lastName' },
  email: { type: 'string', faker: 'internet.email' },
  age: { type: 'number', faker: { 'datatype.number': { min: 18, max: 65 } } },

In the example above, we created a schema for a user. The schema defines the structure of the user data, which has the properties firstName, lastName, email, and age.

The faker property is used to generate fake data using the Faker.js library. You can learn more about the different faker methods supported by this library on their GitHub page.

Mocking a Server Response

To mock a server response, you need to use the mock method provided by Fake JSON Post API. Here's an example:

const { mock } = require('fake-json-post-api');

const userData = mock(userSchema);

In the example above, we used the mock method to generate a random user data with the structure defined in the userSchema.

The mock method takes one argument, which is the schema you want to use to generate the data.

Sending a POST Request

To simulate a POST request, you can use the doPost method provided by Fake JSON Post API. Here's an example:

const { doPost } = require('fake-json-post-api');

const postData = { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', email: 'johndoe@example.com', age: 30 };
doPost('/api/users', postData).then((response) => console.log(response));

In the example above, we used the doPost method to simulate a POST request to /api/users with the postData as the body data.

The doPost method takes two arguments: the endpoint URL and the data you want to send. It returns a Promise that resolves with the server response.


Fake JSON Post API is a very useful tool for developers who want to test their front-end or backend applications without using real data. It allows you to create mock data and simulate a server response, which can be very helpful during the development process.

In this article, we explained how to use Fake JSON Post API with Javascript. We covered how to create a mock data using a schema, how to mock a server response using the mock method, and how to simulate a POST request using the doPost method.

We hope this article was helpful to you. Happy coding!