📜  dart print item # of a list - Dart (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:40:36.618000             🧑  作者: Mango

Dart Print Item # of a List

Dart is a powerful programming language that allows developers to perform a wide range of tasks. One of the most common tasks that developers need to perform is printing the items in a list. In this article, we will explore how to print the item number of a list in Dart.

Printing the Item # of a List in Dart

To print the item number of a list in Dart, we can use the forEach method. This method applies a given function to each element of the list in turn. Here is an example:

void main() {
  final List<String> fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'kiwi', 'mango'];

  fruits.forEach((String fruit) {
    final int index = fruits.indexOf(fruit) + 1;
    print('$index. $fruit');

In this example, we first create a List called fruits which contains four String elements. We then call the forEach method on fruits, passing in a function that takes a String argument called fruit.

Within the function, we first get the index of the current fruit in the list using the indexOf method. Since the index of the first element in a list is 0, we add 1 to get the item number. We then print the item number and the fruit using the print statement.

When we run this code, we get the following output:

1. apple
2. banana
3. kiwi
4. mango

This code is a simple example of how to print the item number of a list in Dart. It can be easily modified to suit different use cases and applications.


Printing the item number of a list is a common task in programming. With Dart, developers can easily accomplish this task using the forEach method. This method allows developers to apply a given function to each element of a list in turn, making it simple to print the item number alongside the list item.