📜  Cast for print sql (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:40:02.088000             🧑  作者: Mango

Cast for print SQL

Cast for print SQL is a software tool that allows programmers to visualize the SQL statements that their programs generate. It helps to identify syntax errors, evaluate performance, and optimize queries.


Cast for print SQL can be installed using pip, the Python package manager:

pip install cast-printsql

To use Cast for print SQL, simply import the package and use the cast function to wrap your SQL statement:

from cast_printsql import cast

query = cast("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales'")

This will print the following output:

FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Sales'

You can also use the cast function as a decorator to automatically wrap all SQL statements in a function:

def get_employees(department):
    return f"SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = '{department}'"

query = get_employees("Sales")

This will print the SQL statement generated by the get_employees function.


Cast for print SQL can be configured using a YAML file named cast-config.yml. This file can be used to customize the output of the cast function and to filter sensitive information from the SQL statements.

Here's an example cast-config.yml file:

precision: 2
  - type: word
    words: ["password", "secret"]
  - type: pattern
    pattern: "\d{16}"
    replace: "************"

In this example, the precision parameter is set to 2, which means that floating point numbers will be rounded to 2 decimal places. The filters parameter is used to define two filters: one that removes any word that contains "password" or "secret", and another that replaces any sequence of 16 digits with asterisks.


Cast for print SQL is a powerful tool for developers who work with SQL statements. Its simple API and powerful configuration options make it easy to use and adapt to different use cases. If you work with SQL, I highly recommend giving it a try!