📜  STL c++ (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:20:21.214000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to STL in C++

STL or Standard Template Library is a powerful set of C++ template classes that provide essential data structures and algorithms. It is an integral part of the C++ Standard Library and is designed to make programming easier, efficient, and maintainable.

Features of STL

STL provides a set of features like:

  • Containers: STL provides a variety of containers like vectors, lists, maps, sets, and more. These containers hold data in various forms and provide a set of powerful methods to handle them.

  • Algorithms: STL provides a set of powerful algorithms like sorting, searching, searching, partitioning, and more. These algorithms simplify the process of handling data and are highly efficient.

  • Iterators: STL provides a set of iterators that allow us to traverse the data held in containers. These iterators make the process of handling data more streamlined and efficient.

Containers in STL

STL provides a variety of containers like:

  • Vector: Vectors are dynamic arrays that can grow or shrink dynamically based on the requirements.

  • List: Lists are double-linked lists that allow fast insertion and deletion of elements.

  • Map: Maps are associative arrays that allow efficient mapping of keys to values.

  • Set: Sets are collections that hold unique values and provide fast insertion and deletion.

And many more. Each of these containers provides a set of methods that allow managing the data held in them efficiently.

Algorithms in STL

STL provides a set of powerful algorithms like:

  • Sorting: STL provides various sorting algorithms like quicksort, merge sort, heap sort, and more. These algorithms allow sorting any collection of data efficiently.

  • Searching: STL provides binary search and linear search algorithms that allow searching for elements in collections.

  • Partitioning: STL provides partitioning algorithms that allow dividing collections into two groups based on a given criterion.

And many more. These algorithms are highly efficient and provide a powerful way of handling data.

Iterators in STL

STL provides a set of iterators that allow us to traverse the data held in containers. There are five types of iterators:

  • Input iterators: They allow reading data from containers, but they cannot modify them.

  • Output iterators: They allow inserting data into containers but cannot read them.

  • Forward iterators: They allow reading and modifying the data in containers ahead of the current position.

  • Bidirectional iterators: They allow moving back and forth in containers and reading/modifying data.

  • Random access iterators: They allow moving to any position in containers in constant time and reading/modifying data.


STL is a powerful set of C++ template classes that provide essential data structures and algorithms. It simplifies the process of handling data, making programming easier, efficient, and maintainable. By providing a set of containers, algorithms, and iterators, it allows programmers to handle complex data structures with ease.