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📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:00:23.285000             🧑  作者: Mango

Debounce Run Loop

Debounce Run Loop is a concept commonly used in programming to control the execution frequency of a particular function or task. It is especially useful in scenarios where frequent or rapid events may trigger the same function multiple times in a short interval, leading to inefficient or unnecessary execution.

In Swift, you can implement a debounce run loop using various techniques and libraries. One such popular library is RxSwift, which provides a powerful set of tools for reactive programming.

To demonstrate how to use debounce run loop in Swift, let's consider an example where you have a search bar in your application that triggers a search API call for every keystroke. Without a debounce mechanism, the API may be called excessively, causing unnecessary load and potentially affecting performance. By debouncing the API call, you can control the execution frequency and optimize resource utilization.

Here's how you can implement debounce run loop using RxSwift:

import RxSwift
import RxCocoa

let disposeBag = DisposeBag()

func debounceSearchQuery() {
    let searchTextInput = PublishSubject<String>()
        .debounce(.milliseconds(500), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
        .subscribe(onNext: { query in
            // Perform search API call here
            print("Searching for: \(query)")
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)
    // Simulate search bar input
    // Only the last value "Apple" will trigger the search API call, thanks to debounce


In the above example, searchTextInput is a PublishSubject that emits the input from the search bar. The .debounce operator is used to debounce the emitted values with a specified delay of 500 milliseconds on the main scheduler. By subscribing to this debounced stream, you can perform the search API call only when the user has stopped typing for at least 500 milliseconds.

The result will be:

Searching for: Apple

As shown, only the final value "Apple" triggers the search API call. The intermediate values are ignored due to the debounce operation.

Using debounce run loop can greatly enhance the user experience by reducing unnecessary computations and optimizing resource usage. It is particularly useful in scenarios like autocomplete, real-time filtering, or any situation where continuous updates need to be handled efficiently.