📜  spfx-fast-serve (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:35:02.441000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introducing spfx-fast-serve

Are you looking for a faster way to develop and test your SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solutions? Look no further than spfx-fast-serve!

What is spfx-fast-serve?

spfx-fast-serve is a development tool for SPFx solutions that allows for quick and efficient testing during the development process. It leverages serverless technology to spin up a local development server that automatically compiles and serves your SPFx solution as you code.

How does it work?

Using spfx-fast-serve is simple. After installing the package, run the following command in your SPFx solution:


This will start a development server that will serve your solution on https://localhost:5432. You can then test your solution in the browser, and any changes you make to the code will automatically trigger the server to recompile and refresh the page.


spfx-fast-serve comes with several features that make it an ideal choice for SPFx development:

  • Lightning-fast performance: spfx-fast-serve is optimized for speed and can compile and serve your solution in milliseconds.

  • Auto-reload: spfx-fast-serve automatically refreshes the browser when changes are made to the code, allowing for quick testing and debugging.

  • HTTPS support: spfx-fast-serve uses HTTPS by default, providing a more secure testing environment.

  • Local network support: spfx-fast-serve is accessible on your local network, allowing you to test your solution on mobile devices or other computers.


If you're tired of waiting for your SharePoint Framework solutions to compile and deploy for testing, give spfx-fast-serve a try. With its lightning-fast performance, auto-reload, HTTPS support and local network accessibility, you'll be able to streamline your development process and deliver solutions faster than ever before.