📜  vue-cli-service not found linux - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:23.343000             🧑  作者: Mango

vue-cli-service not found on Linux - Shell/Bash


Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. Vue CLI is a command line interface for scaffolding and managing Vue.js projects. While using Vue CLI on Linux, sometimes you may encounter an error message "vue-cli-service not found". This error indicates that the vue-cli-service command is not installed or not available in your system. In this guide, we will explore how to fix the vue-cli-service not found error in Linux.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following requirements:

  • A Linux machine with root or sudo privileges.
  • Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can install them by running the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm
Method 1: Install Vue CLI globally

The first method to fix the vue-cli-service not found error on Linux is to install Vue CLI globally. To install Vue CLI globally, run the following command:

sudo npm install -g @vue/cli

This command will install the latest version of Vue CLI on your system. Once the installation is complete, you can check whether vue-cli-service is available in your system or not by running the following command:

vue-cli-service --version

If you get any version number as output, then the installation is successful, and you can now use Vue CLI commands without any issues.

Method 2: Install Vue CLI project locally

The second method to fix the vue-cli-service not found error is to install Vue CLI project locally. To do that, navigate to your project directory and run the following commands:

npm install @vue/cli-service
npm install @vue/cli-plugin-babel

These commands will install the necessary project dependencies, including vue-cli-service. Once the installation is complete, you can check whether vue-cli-service is available in your project by running the following command:

npm run serve

This command will start the development server and compile your Vue.js project. If you can see your project output on the browser, then the installation is successful, and you can now use Vue CLI commands as per your requirements.


In this guide, we have explored two methods of fixing the vue-cli-service not found error in Linux. You can use either of the methods to resolve the issue, based on your requirements. You can now use Vue CLI commands without any difficulty and build amazing Vue.js applications.