📜  quando è nato in inglese (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:19:38.982000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to "When Was He Born" in English

The purpose of this program is to provide the translation of the phrase "quando è nato" into English. Specifically, we want to translate "quando è nato" to "when was he born" in English.


Here is a code snippet in Python that achieves the desired translation:

def translate_quando_è_nato():
    italian_phrase = "quando è nato"
    english_translation = "when was he born"
    return english_translation

translation = translate_quando_è_nato()

Please note that this code only demonstrates the translation of the given phrase. You may integrate this code into a larger program or use it as a basis for further language translation functionalities.

Code Explanation
  1. The translate_quando_è_nato() function is defined to encapsulate the translation logic.
  2. The Italian phrase "quando è nato" is stored in a variable italian_phrase.
  3. The English translation "when was he born" is stored in a variable english_translation.
  4. The english_translation variable is returned as the result of the function.
  5. The translate_quando_è_nato() function is called and its result is stored in the translation variable.
  6. Finally, the translated phrase is printed using the print() function.

Feel free to modify the code snippet to suit your specific needs or integrate it with other parts of your application.