📜  kontiki - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:02:31.888000             🧑  作者: Mango

Kontiki - Shell-Bash

Kontiki is a lightweight shell-bash library that provides a set of useful functions and tools for shell scripting. It aims to simplify and streamline the process of creating shell scripts by providing a set of common and frequently-used tasks.

  • Easy-to-use functions for common tasks such as string manipulation, file I/O, process management, and more
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Portable and easy to install
  • Well-documented with clear examples
  • Customizable with user-defined functions and aliasing

Kontiki can be installed via the command line with the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install kontiki

Once installed, you can start using the library in your shell scripts by adding the following line at the beginning of your script:

source /usr/share/kontiki/kontiki.sh

Kontiki provides a set of convenient functions and tools for shell scripts. Here are some examples:

String Manipulation
source /usr/share/kontiki/kontiki.sh

# Concatenate two strings
concatenated=`$kontiki_concat "Hello, " "world!"` # concatenated = "Hello, world!"

# Trim leading and trailing whitespace
trimmed=`$kontiki_trim " This is a test.  "` # trimmed = "This is a test."
File I/O
source /usr/share/kontiki/kontiki.sh

# Read a file into a variable
data=`$kontiki_read_file "/path/to/file.txt"`

# Write a variable to a file
$kontiki_write_file "/path/to/output.txt" "$data"
Process Management
source /usr/share/kontiki/kontiki.sh

# Run a command and capture its output
output=`$kontiki_exec "ls -la"`

# Run a command and continue even if it errors
output=`$kontiki_exec_ignore_errors "rm nonexistent-file"`

# Run a command in the background
$kontiki_background "sleep 5 && echo 'Done!'"

# Kill a process by its PID
$kontiki_kill PID
Alias and Function
source /usr/share/kontiki/kontiki.sh

# Create an alias
$kontiki_alias "l" "ls -la"

# Create a function
function greet() {
  echo "Hello, $1!"

# Call the function
greet "world" # Output: "Hello, world!"

Kontiki is a great library that makes shell scripting easier and faster. Its set of useful tools and functions can greatly simplify the process of creating shell scripts. Give it a try and see how much time it can save you!