📜  hello world c - C# (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:30.293000             🧑  作者: Mango

Hello World in C and C#

Hello, fellow programmers, today we'll explore how to implement the classic "Hello World" program in both C and C#.


In C, the "Hello World" program is a simple and traditional way to demonstrate the basic syntax and structure of the language. Here's how it looks:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!");
    return 0;

Let's break down the code snippet:

  • The #include <stdio.h> line is an example of a preprocessor directive. It tells the compiler to include the standard input/output library, which provides the printf() function used to print our message.

  • int main() is the main function of our program. It is the entry point for any C program and returns an integer value. In this case, we specify int as the return type and don't accept any command-line arguments.

  • printf("Hello, World!"); is a function that prints the given string to the output console. In this case, it prints "Hello, World!" as specified within the double quotation marks.

  • Finally, return 0; indicates the successful execution of the program. It is a convention to return 0 to indicate a successful termination.


Now, let's move on to implementing "Hello World" in C#. With C#, it becomes more object-oriented compared to C. Here's how the program looks:

using System;

class Program {
    static void Main() {
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

Here's the breakdown of the C# code:

  • using System; is a directive that informs the compiler to include the System namespace, which provides access to various classes and functionalities.

  • class Program defines a class named "Program" that contains the entry point of the C# program.

  • static void Main() is the main method, just like in C. It serves as the program's entry point and doesn't accept any command-line arguments.

  • Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); is a statement that writes the specified string to the console.

That's it! You've successfully implemented "Hello World" programs in both C and C#. Feel free to modify and experiment with these programs to enhance your understanding of these languages.

Remember, "Hello World" is just the beginning, so keep exploring and learning! Happy coding!

Note: The code snippets are written in markdown format.