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📜  mongoose (populate) - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:03:02.344000             🧑  作者: Mango

Mongoose (populate) - Javascript

Mongoose is a popular ODM (Object-Document Mapping) library for MongoDB in Node.js. It provides a simple yet powerful way to manage your MongoDB data with a clear and concise API. One of the best features of Mongoose is the ability to use populate to connect documents from different collections.

What is populate?

populate is a method of Mongoose that allows you to reference documents in other collections. It is a way to automatically resolve references between documents so that you can interact with related data as if it were present in the original document.

How to use populate

First, you need to define a schema for each collection that includes a reference to the other collection. For example, let's say you have two collections: users and posts. Each post has a reference to the user who created it. Here's how you could define the schema for the post collection:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  title: String,
  content: String,
  author: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User'}

const Post = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);

The author field is a reference to a document in the users collection. The ref option tells Mongoose which collection to use for the reference.

Next, you can use populate to retrieve the related documents. For example, to get all the posts with their authors:

Post.find().populate('author').exec(function(err, posts) {

The populate method retrieves the related documents from the users collection and adds them to the returned documents as a property with the same name as the reference field (author in this case).

You can also use populate to retrieve only certain fields from the related document. For example, to retrieve only the name and email fields of the author:

  path: 'author',
  select: 'name email'
}).exec(function(err, posts) {

The path option tells Mongoose which field to populate, and the select option specifies which fields to retrieve from the related document.


populate is a powerful tool in Mongoose that allows you to easily reference and retrieve related documents. By defining your schemas with references to other collections and using populate to retrieve them, you can create efficient and flexible data models for your MongoDB databases.