📜  Python|字典和字节之间的相互转换

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:28.946000             🧑  作者: Mango



方法:使用encode() + dumps() + decode() + loads()

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Interconversion between Dictionary and Bytes
# Using encode() + dumps() + decode() + loads()
import json
# initializing dictionary
test_dict = {'Gfg' : 1, 'is' : 2, 'best' : 3}
# printing original dictionary
print("The original dictionary is : " + str(test_dict))
# using encode() + dumps() to convert to bytes
res_bytes = json.dumps(test_dict).encode('utf-8')
# printing type and binary dict 
print("The type after conversion to bytes is : " + str(type(res_bytes)))
print("The value after conversion to bytes is : " + str(res_bytes))
# using decode() + loads() to convert to dictionary
res_dict = json.loads(res_bytes.decode('utf-8'))
# printing type and dict 
print("The type after conversion to dict is : " + str(type(res_dict)))
print("The value after conversion to dict is : " + str(res_dict))
输出 :
The original dictionary is : {'Gfg': 1, 'best': 3, 'is': 2}
The type after conversion to bytes is : 
The value after conversion to bytes is : b'{"Gfg": 1, "best": 3, "is": 2}'
The type after conversion to dict is : 
The value after conversion to dict is : {'Gfg': 1, 'best': 3, 'is': 2}