Python|使用酒店价格比较 API 查找酒店价格
Makcorps hotel API
用于获取 JSON 数据,比较来自 200 多个网站的酒店价格、评级和评论,包括:、、Expedia 等。它是围绕 GET 请求组织的。可以免费使用此 API 获取任何酒店或任何城市的价格、评级、评论、历史价格和许多其他信息。
要使用此 API,必须需要 API 密钥,可在此处获取表单
注意:用户需要在makcorps.com上创建一个帐户,然后才能使用 API。
pip install requests
此 API 将根据城市名称进行搜索。假设如果搜索伦敦城市,则输出 JSON 将是该城市中不同供应商的不同酒店的价格比较以及它们的名称。根据供应商的价格,最好的价格也会显示出来。
# Python program to find live hotel prices
# Python program to find live hotel prices
# status using Makcorps Hotel API
# import required modules
import requests, json
# base_url variable to store url
base_url = ""
# enter city name here
city = "london"
# complete_url variable to
# store complete url address
complete_url = base_url + city
# Declaring headers needed
headers = {
'Authorization': 'JWT your_API_id',
# get method of requests module
# return response object
response_ob = requests.get(complete_url, headers=headers)
# json method of response object convert
# json format data into python format data
result = response_ob.json()
# Now check the value of status_code is equal
# to "200" or not, if equal that means record is
# found otherwise record is not found
if response_ob.status_code == 200:
# name is extracting from
# the result variable data
print("price comparison data for a random date of city london is:")
print("record is not found for given request")
price comparison data for a random date of city london is:
'vendor1-price': 'US$217',
'vendor3-price': 'US$246',
'vendor2-price': 'US$217',
'vendor3': '',
'vendor1': 'Travelocity',
'Hotel': 'Park Plaza Westminster Bridge London',
'Best-price': 'US$\xa0246US$\',
'vendor2': ''
'vendor1-price': '',
'vendor3-price': '',
'vendor2-price': '',
'vendor3': 'Travelocity',
'vendor1': '',
'Hotel': 'Travelodge London Covent Garden',
'Best-price': 'US$\xa074Travelodge',
'vendor2': ''
'vendor1-price': 'US$167',
'vendor3-price': 'US$183',
'vendor2-price': 'US$171',
'vendor3': '',
'vendor1': 'ParkGrandLondon',
'Hotel': 'Park Grand London Kensington',
'Best-price': 'US$\',
'vendor2': 'Travelocity'
'vendor1-price': '',
'vendor3-price': '',
'vendor2-price': '',
'vendor3': '',
'vendor1': '',
'Hotel': 'Travelodge London City hotel',
'Best-price': 'US$\xa056Travelodge',
'vendor2': ''
'vendor1-price': 'US$205',
'vendor3-price': 'US$232',
'vendor2-price': 'US$185',
'vendor3': '',
'vendor1': '',
'Hotel': 'The Tower Hotel',
'Best-price': 'US$\',
'vendor2': ''
'vendor1-price': 'US$77',
'vendor3-price': 'US$94',
'vendor2-price': 'US$87',
'vendor3': '',
'vendor1': 'Official Site',
'Hotel': 'Point A Hotel, London Kings Cross St Pancras',
'Best-price': 'US$\',
'vendor2': ''
'vendor1-price': 'US$224',
'vendor3-price': 'US$242',
'vendor2-price': 'US$217',
'vendor3': '',
'vendor1': '',
'Hotel': 'Strand Palace Hotel',
'Best-price': 'US$\',
'vendor2': ''