📜  检查数字是否为回文的Python程序(单行)

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:55.398000             🧑  作者: Mango



方法 #1:使用math.log() + 递归 + 列表理解
上述三个函数的组合可以很容易地完成这个特定的任务,logs函数提取以 10 为幂的位数,以获得该次迭代的数字进行比较。重复该过程以测试回文。

# Python3 code to demonstrate
# checking a number is palindrome
# using math.log() + recursion + list comprehension
import math
# the recursive function to reverse
def rev(num):
    return int(num != 0) and ((num % 10) * \
             (10**int(math.log(num, 10))) + \
                          rev(num // 10))
# initializing number 
test_number = 9669669
# printing the original number 
print ("The original number is : " + str(test_number))
# using math.log() + recursion + list comprehension
# for checking a number is palindrome
res = test_number == rev(test_number)
# printing result
print ("Is the number palindrome ? : " + str(res))
The original number is : 9669669
Is the number palindrome ? : True

方法 #2:使用str() +字符串切片

# Python3 code to demonstrate
# checking a number is palindrome
# using str() + string slicing
# initializing number 
test_number = 9669669
# printing the original number 
print ("The original number is : " + str(test_number))
# using str() + string slicing
# for checking a number is palindrome
res = str(test_number) == str(test_number)[::-1]
# printing result
print ("Is the number palindrome ? : " + str(res))
The original number is : 9669669
Is the number palindrome ? : True


num = input("Enter a number")
if num == num[::-1]:
    print("Yes its a palindrome")
    print("No, its not a palindrome")