📜  zsh compinit:不安全的目录,为列表运行 compaudit. - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:43.260000             🧑  作者: Mango

zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list. - Shell-Bash

当你使用命令行工具 zsh 时,有时可能会遇到以下警告信息:zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list. 这是由于 zsh 发现了一些不安全的目录配置。

这个警告信息实际上是提醒你的 zsh 配置可能存在一些安全问题,可能会导致恶意代码被执行。为了避免潜在的安全风险,你需要运行 compaudit 命令来查看可能存在问题的目录列表。

什么是 zsh

zsh 是一种交互式的命令行解释器,它是 Bash(Bourne-Again SHell)的一个替代品。zsh 提供了许多强大的功能和自定义选项,可以提高命令行的使用体验和效率。通过使用适当的配置,你可以使 zsh 变得更加强大和易用。


zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list. 这个警告出现的原因是因为 zsh 检查到有一些目录具有不安全的权限设置。这些目录多数情况下是由于用户或其他程序错误地将可执行文件或配置放在了全局可写入的目录下。

这些不安全的目录可能容易受到恶意代码的攻击,因为任何人都可以在这些目录中插入或修改文件。为了避免潜在的安全风险,zsh 建议你运行 compaudit 命令来查看存在问题的目录列表。

运行 compaudit

要运行 compaudit 命令,只需在命令行终端中输入以下命令:


compaudit 命令将列出不安全的目录,你可以查看列表来了解哪些目录具有潜在的安全风险。



  • 更改目录权限: 鉴于安全问题,你可以根据需要更改目录的权限。通常情况下,你应该将目录的权限设置为只有特定的用户或群组才能进行读取、写入和执行操作。
  • 移动可执行文件: 如果发现某个目录中存在可执行文件,你应该谨慎地将其移动到更安全的目录中。这样做可以降低受到恶意代码攻击的风险。
  • 更新路径配置: 如果这些不安全的目录是由于错误的路径配置而引起的,你可以通过更新环境变量或配置文件中的路径来解决问题。

以下是使用 Markdown 格式的示例代码片段,展示了如何返回上述信息:

## `zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list.` - Shell-Bash

When you use the `zsh` command line tool, you may encounter the following warning message: `zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list.` This is because `zsh` has detected some insecure directory configurations in your setup.

This warning is actually informing you about potential security issues in your `zsh` configuration, which could lead to malicious code execution. To avoid potential security risks, you need to run the `compaudit` command to see the list of directories that might have issues.

### What is `zsh`?

`zsh` is an interactive command-line interpreter that serves as an alternative to `Bash` (Bourne-Again SHell). It provides many powerful features and customization options to enhance the experience and efficiency of working with the command line. With appropriate configuration, you can make `zsh` even more powerful and user-friendly.

### Warning Reason

The `zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list.` warning appears because `zsh` has detected directories with insecure permissions. Most often, this happens when a user or another program mistakenly places executable files or configurations in globally writable directories.

These insecure directories can be susceptible to attacks from malicious code since anyone can insert or modify files in them. To avoid potential security risks, `zsh` recommends running the `compaudit` command to see the list of directories with potential issues.

### Running `compaudit`

To run the `compaudit` command, simply enter the following command in your terminal:


The compaudit command will list the insecure directories, allowing you to inspect the list and identify directories that might have potential security risks.

Resolution Steps

Once you have the list of insecure directories, you can take some measures to address the potential security concerns.

  • Change directory permissions: Considering the security issues, you can modify the permissions of the directories as needed. In general, you should set the permissions of directories to allow only specific users or groups to read, write, and execute operations.
  • Move executable files: If you find executable files present in any of the directories, you should carefully move them to a more secure location. Doing so can reduce the risk of being attacked by malicious code.
  • Update path configurations: If these insecure directories are caused by incorrect path configurations, you can address the issue by updating the paths in environment variables or configuration files.
Example Code Snippet

Here is an example code snippet in Markdown format that demonstrates how to present the above information:


Remember to replace `[...]` with the actual content of the code snippet you want to include.