红宝石 |哈希选择()方法
Hash#select() : select()是一个 Hash 类方法,它根据块条件从哈希中找到数组。
Syntax: Hash.select()
Parameter: Hash values
block condition
Return: array from the hash based on the block condition.
示例 #1:
# Ruby code for Hash.select() method
# declaring Hash value
a = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
# declaring Hash value
b = {"a" => 100}
# declaring Hash value
c = {"a" => 100, "c" => 300, "b" => 200}
# select Value
puts "Hash a select form : #{a.select {|key, value| key < "b"}}\n\n"
输出 :
Hash a select form : {"a"=>100}
示例 #2:
# Ruby code for Hash.select() method
# declaring Hash value
b = {"a" => 100}
# declaring Hash value
c = {"a" => 100, "c" => 300, "b" => 200}
# select Value
puts "Hash b select form : #{b.select{|key, value| value < 200}}\n\n"
puts "Hash c select form : #{c.select{|key, value| key < "b"}}\n\n"
输出 :
Hash b select form : {"a"=>100}
Hash c select form : {"a"=>100}