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📜  使用Selenium Python实现 Twitter 自动化

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:41.413000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用Selenium Python实现 Twitter 自动化

如果你是像我这样认为 Twitter 比 Instagram 好得多的人,那么我可能会为你准备一些东西。我们都知道在 Twitter 上获得追随者可能非常困难,但有时转推优质内容也能获得追随者。显然,您是一个忙碌的人,您没有时间坐在手机或笔记本电脑上阅读和转发内容。很无聊的任务吧?让我们的聪明朋友去做吧。本文围绕如何使用selenium Python自动化推特。

首先,您将需要Python 。你从这里下载Python 。现在,让我们开始编码。首先,创建一个名为Twitter Automation的文件夹,然后将目录更改为新创建的文件夹。现在,创建一个名为requirements.txt的文件,并将这一行添加到其中。



pip install -r requirements.txt

接下来,您将需要一个chrome 驱动程序。你可以在这里下载。下载完成后,将下载的驱动程序移动到新创建的文件夹Twitter Automation

email: {your twitter email}
password: {your twitter password}

将电子邮件和密码占位符替换为您的 twitter 原始凭据。我正在使用文本文件。也可以使用.env文件,但为了简单起见,我使用的是.txt文件。


    Add your twitter handle's email and password
    in the credentials.txt file.
    This will be used to automate the login.
def get_credentials() -> dict:
    # dictionary for storing credentials
    credentials = dict()
    # reading the text file
    # for credentials
    with open('credentials.txt') as f:
        # iterating over the lines
        for line in f.readlines():
                # fetching email and password
                key, value = line.split(": ")
            except ValueError:
                # raises error when email and password not supplied
                print('Add your email and password in credentials file')
            # removing trailing
            # white space and new line
            credentials[key] = value.rstrip(" \n")
    # returning the dictionary containing the credentials
    return credentials

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
'''Uncomment the below line when running in linux'''
# from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
import time, os
class Twitterbot:
    def __init__(self, email, password):
            email {string} -- registered twitter email
            password {string} -- password for the twitter account
        self.email = email
        self.password = password
        # initializing chrome options
        chrome_options = Options()
        # adding the path to the chrome driver and
        # integrating chrome_options with the bot
        self.bot = webdriver.Chrome(
            executable_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'chromedriver'),
            options = chrome_options
    def login(self):
            Method for signing in the user
            with the provided email and password.
        bot = self.bot
        # fetches the login page
        bot.get('https://twitter.com / login')
        # adjust the sleep time according to your internet speed
        email = bot.find_element_by_xpath(
            '//*[@id ="react-root"]/div / div / div[2]/main / div / div / form / div / div[1]/label / div / div[2]/div / input'
        password = bot.find_element_by_xpath(
            '//*[@id ="react-root"]/div / div / div[2]/main / div / div / form / div / div[2]/label / div / div[2]/div / input'
        # sends the email to the email input
        # sends the password to the password input
        # executes RETURN key action
    def like_retweet(self, hashtag):
        This function automatically retrieves
        the tweets and then likes and retweets them
            hashtag {string} -- twitter hashtag
        bot = self.bot
        # fetches the latest tweets with the provided hashtag
            'https://twitter.com / search?q =% 23' + \
            hashtag+'&src = typed_query&f = live'
        # using set so that only unique links
        # are present and to avoid unnecessary repetition
        links = set()
        # obtaining the links of the tweets
        for _ in range(100):
            # executing javascript code
            # to scroll the webpage
                'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)'
            # using list comprehension
            # for adding all the tweets link to the set
            # this particular piece of code might
            # look very complicated but the only reason
            # I opted for list comprehension because is
            # lot faster than traditional loops
                for elem in bot.find_elements_by_xpath("//a[@dir ='auto']")
        # traversing through the generated links
        for link in links:
            # opens individual links
                # retweet button selector
                    '.css-18t94o4[data-testid ="retweet"]'
                # initializes action chain
                actions = ActionChains(bot)
                # sends RETURN key to retweet without comment
                # like button selector
                    '.css-18t94o4[data-testid ="like"]'
                # adding higher sleep time to avoid
                # getting detected as bot by twitter
        # fetches the main homepage

import twitterbot as tb
import secrets, sys
# fetches the hashtag from command line argument
hashtag = sys.argv[1]
# fetches the credentials dictionary
# using get_credentials function
credentials = secrets.get_credentials()
# initialize the bot with your credentials
bot = tb.Twitterbot(credentials['email'], credentials['password'])
# logging in
# calling like_retweet function



from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
'''Uncomment the below line when running in linux'''
# from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
import time, os
class Twitterbot:
    def __init__(self, email, password):
            email {string} -- registered twitter email
            password {string} -- password for the twitter account
        self.email = email
        self.password = password
        # initializing chrome options
        chrome_options = Options()
        # adding the path to the chrome driver and
        # integrating chrome_options with the bot
        self.bot = webdriver.Chrome(
            executable_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'chromedriver'),
            options = chrome_options
    def login(self):
            Method for signing in the user
            with the provided email and password.
        bot = self.bot
        # fetches the login page
        bot.get('https://twitter.com / login')
        # adjust the sleep time according to your internet speed
        email = bot.find_element_by_xpath(
            '//*[@id ="react-root"]/div / div / div[2]/main / div / div / form / div / div[1]/label / div / div[2]/div / input'
        password = bot.find_element_by_xpath(
            '//*[@id ="react-root"]/div / div / div[2]/main / div / div / form / div / div[2]/label / div / div[2]/div / input'
        # sends the email to the email input
        # sends the password to the password input
        # executes RETURN key action
    def like_retweet(self, hashtag):
        This function automatically retrieves
        the tweets and then likes and retweets them
            hashtag {string} -- twitter hashtag
        bot = self.bot
        # fetches the latest tweets with the provided hashtag
            'https://twitter.com / search?q =% 23' + \
            hashtag+'&src = typed_query&f = live'
        # using set so that only unique links
        # are present and to avoid unnecessary repetition
        links = set()
        # obtaining the links of the tweets
        for _ in range(100):
            # executing javascript code
            # to scroll the webpage
                'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)'
            # using list comprehension
            # for adding all the tweets link to the set
            # this particular piece of code might
            # look very complicated but the only reason
            # I opted for list comprehension because is
            # lot faster than traditional loops
                for elem in bot.find_elements_by_xpath("//a[@dir ='auto']")
        # traversing through the generated links
        for link in links:
            # opens individual links
                # retweet button selector
                    '.css-18t94o4[data-testid ="retweet"]'
                # initializes action chain
                actions = ActionChains(bot)
                # sends RETURN key to retweet without comment
                # like button selector
                    '.css-18t94o4[data-testid ="like"]'
                # adding higher sleep time to avoid
                # getting detected as bot by twitter
        # fetches the main homepage



import twitterbot as tb
import secrets, sys
# fetches the hashtag from command line argument
hashtag = sys.argv[1]
# fetches the credentials dictionary
# using get_credentials function
credentials = secrets.get_credentials()
# initialize the bot with your credentials
bot = tb.Twitterbot(credentials['email'], credentials['password'])
# logging in
# calling like_retweet function


python main.py {hashtag}


python main.py python3

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