📜  红宝石 |数组紧凑!()操作

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:52.611000             🧑  作者: Mango

红宝石 |数组紧凑!()操作

数组#紧凑! () : 袖珍的! ()是一个 Array 类方法,它在从数组中删除所有“nil”值元素(如果有)后返回数组。如果数组中没有 nil 值,则返回 nil 值。

Syntax:  Array.compact!()

Parameter:  Array to remove the 'nil' value from. 

Return:  removes all the nil values from the array.  nil - if there is no nil value in the array

代码 #1:compact!() 方法的示例

# Ruby code for compact!() method
# showing how to remove nil values
# declaring array
a = [18, 22, 33, nil, 5, 6]
# declaring array
b = [5, 4, 1, 88, 9]
# declaring array
c = [18, 22, nil, 40, 50, 6]
# removing nil value from array
puts "removing nil value : #{a.compact!}\n\n"
# removing nil value from array
puts "removing nil value : #{b.compact!}\n\n"
# removing nil value from array
puts "removing nil value : #{c.compact!}\n\n"

输出 :

removing nil value : [18, 22, 33, 5, 6]

removing nil value : 

removing nil value : [18, 22, 40, 50, 6]

代码 #2:compact!() 方法的示例

# Ruby code for compact!() method
# showing how to remove nil values
# declaring array
a = ["abc", "nil", "dog"]
# declaring array
b = ["cow", nil, "dog"]
# declaring array
c = ["cat", nil, nil]
# removing nil value from array
puts "removing nil value : #{a.compact!}\n\n"
# removing nil value from array
puts "removing nil value : #{b.compact!}\n\n"
# removing nil value from array
puts "removing nil value : #{c.compact!}\n\n"

输出 :

removing nil value : 

removing nil value : ["cow", "dog"]

removing nil value : ["cat"]