📜  Passay-NumberRangeRule(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:33:25.267000             🧑  作者: Mango


Passay-NumberRangeRule is a Java library for validating password strength based on a number range rule. This library can be used to ensure that passwords meet specific length criteria, such as minimum and maximum length requirements.

  • Enforces minimum and maximum length requirements for passwords.
  • Can be customized to enforce specific number range requirements.
  • Easy to integrate into existing Java applications.
Getting Started
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or newer
  • Apache Maven 3.3 or newer

To use Passay-NumberRangeRule in your Java application, include the following dependency in your project's pom.xml file:


To use Passay-NumberRangeRule in your Java application, you must create an instance of the NumberRangeRule class and add it to a PasswordValidator:

NumberRangeRule rangeRule = new NumberRangeRule(2, 5);
PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rangeRule);

This code creates a rule that requires passwords to contain between 2 and 5 numbers, and then adds the rule to a PasswordValidator. You can then use the validator to check a password for compliance:

String password = "myPassword123";
RuleResult result = validator.validate(new PasswordData(password));
if (result.isValid()) {
  // Password meets all requirements
} else {
  List<String> messages = validator.getMessages(result);
  // Handle invalid password

The NumberRangeRule class can be customized to enforce specific number range requirements. The constructor takes two arguments, min and max, which represent the minimum and maximum number of digits that must appear in a password. You can also customize the regular expression used to match numbers by overriding the MandatoryCharacterRule class, which is used internally by the NumberRangeRule.

NumberRangeRule rangeRule = new NumberRangeRule.Builder()
PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rangeRule);

This code creates a rule that requires passwords to contain between 3 and 6 numbers, and uses the default regular expression to match numbers.

NumberRangeRule rangeRule = new NumberRangeRule.Builder()
PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rangeRule);

This code creates a rule that requires passwords to contain between 4 and 8 numbers, and uses a custom regular expression to match numbers.


Passay-NumberRangeRule is a powerful library for validating password strength based on number range rules. By enforcing minimum and maximum length requirements, you can ensure that your users' passwords are secure and meet your organization's security policies.