📜  snapd remove 命令 - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:05:13.979000             🧑  作者: Mango

Snapd Remove Command - Shell-Bash

Snapd is a package manager used in Linux distributions that allows users to easily install and manage Snaps - containerized software packages. Snapd comes with a set of commands that can be used to manage the installed Snaps on your system. In this article, we will be discussing the 'snapd remove' command, which is used to remove installed Snaps from the system.


The syntax for the 'snapd remove' command is as follows:

snap remove <snap_name>

Where snap_name is the name of the Snap you wish to remove.


To remove a Snap using the 'snapd remove' command, simply open your terminal and run the command with the name of the Snap you wish to remove.

For example, to remove the Snap package 'spotify' from your system, run the following command:

snap remove spotify

This will remove the 'spotify' Snap package from your system.


The 'snapd remove' command comes with a few options that can be used to customize its behavior.


The --purge option can be used to remove the Snap package and all of its configuration files from the system.

For example:

snap remove --purge spotify

This will remove the 'spotify' Snap package and all of its configuration files from your system.


The --revision option can be used to specify a specific revision of the Snap package you wish to remove.

For example:

snap remove --revision=5 spotify

This will remove revision 5 of the 'spotify' Snap package from your system.


The 'snapd remove' command is a simple and powerful tool for managing the Snaps installed on your Linux system. With its easy-to-use syntax and customizable options, it makes removing Snap packages a breeze.