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📜  如何在Java修复Java .lang.classcastexception ?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:10.289000             🧑  作者: Mango

如何在Java修复Java .lang.classcastexception ?

Java的ClassCastException 当我们尝试将条目的数据类型转换为另一种时会发生。这与类型转换功能有关,只有在类扩展父类并将子类强制转换为其父类时,数据类型转换才能成功。

这里我们可以将父类视为车辆,子类可以是汽车、自行车、自行车等,父类可以是形状,子类可以是 2d 形状或 3d 形状等。

可用于 ClassCastException 的两种不同类型的构造函数。

  1. ClassCastException():用于创建 ClassCastException 类的实例。
  2. ClassCastException(String s):它用于通过接受指定的字符串作为消息来创建 ClassCastException 类的实例。


import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a BigDecimal object
        Object sampleObject = new BigDecimal(10000000.45);

import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a BigDecimal object
        Object sampleObject = new BigDecimal(10000000.45);
        // Trying to display the object by casting to String
        // As the object is created as BigDecimal but tried
        // to display by casting to String,
        // ClassCastException is thrown

import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a BigDecimal object
        Object sampleObject = new BigDecimal(10000000.45);
        // We can avoid ClassCastException by this way

class Vehicle {
    public Vehicle()
            "An example instance of the Vehicle class to proceed for showing ClassCastException");
final class Bike extends Vehicle {
    public Bike()
            "An example instance of the Bike class that extends Vehicle as parent class to proceed for showing ClassCastException");
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle();
        Bike bike = new Bike();
        Bike bike1 = new Vehicle();
        // Check out for this statement.  Tried to convert
        // parent(vehicle) object to child object(bike).
        // Here compiler error is thrown
        bike = vehicle;

// An easier way to understand Downcasting
class Vehicle {
    String vehicleName;
    // Method in parent class
    void displayData()
        System.out.println("From Vehicle class");
class Bike extends Vehicle {
    double cost;
    // Overriding the parent class method and we can
    // additionaly mention about the child class
    @Override void displayData()
        System.out.println("From bike  class" + cost);
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vehicle vehicle = new Bike();
        vehicle.vehicleName = "BMW";
        // Downcasting Explicitly
        Bike bike = (Bike)vehicle;
        bike.cost = 1000000;
        // Though vehiclename is not assigned, it takes BMW
        // as it is

// An easier way to understand Upcasting
class Vehicle {
    String vehicleName;
    // Method in parent class
    void displayData()
        System.out.println("From Vehicle class");
class Bike extends Vehicle {
    double cost;
    // Overriding the parent class method and we can
    // additionaly mention about the child class
    @Override void displayData()
        System.out.println("From bike  class..." + cost);
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Upcasting
        Vehicle vehicle = new Bike();
        vehicle.vehicleName = "Harley-Davidson";
        // vehicle.cost //not available as upcasting done
        // but originally Vehicle class dont have cost
        // attribute
        vehicle.displayData(); // Hence here we will get
                               // output as 0.0

class Vehicle {
    public Vehicle()
            "An example instance of the Vehicle class to proceed for showing ClassCast Exception");
    public String display()
        return "Vehicle class display method";
class Bike extends Vehicle {
    public Bike()
        super(); // Vehicle class constructor msg display as
                 // super() is nothing but calling parent
                 // method
            "An example instance of the Bike class that extends \nVehicle as parent class to proceed for showing ClassCast Exception");
    public String display()
        return "Bike class display method";
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle();
        Bike bike = new Bike();
        // But we can make bike point to vehicle, i.e.
        // pointing child object to parent object This is an
        // example for upcasting of child object to parent
        // object. It can be done implicitly This facility
        // gives us the flexibility to access the parent
        // class members
        vehicle = bike;
        // As upcasted here, vehicle.display() will provide
        // "Bike class display method" as output It has lost
        // its parent properties as now vehicle is nothing
        // but bike only
            "After upcasting bike(child) to vehicle(parent).."
            + vehicle.display());



如果我们尝试通过转换为不同的数据类型(如 String 或 Integer 等)来打印此值,我们将收到 ClassCastException。


import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a BigDecimal object
        Object sampleObject = new BigDecimal(10000000.45);
        // Trying to display the object by casting to String
        // As the object is created as BigDecimal but tried
        // to display by casting to String,
        // ClassCastException is thrown

输出 :



import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a BigDecimal object
        Object sampleObject = new BigDecimal(10000000.45);
        // We can avoid ClassCastException by this way

因此,在任何情况下,当我们尝试转换对象的数据类型时,我们都不能直接向下或向上转换为指定的数据类型。直接转换将不起作用,它会抛出 ClassCastException。相反,我们可以使用

String.valueOf() 方法。它将不同类型的值(如 int、long、boolean、 字符、float 等)转换为字符串。

  1. 公共静态字符串 valueOf(boolean boolValue)
  2. 公共静态字符串 valueOf(char charValue)
  3. public static String valueOf(char[] charArrayValue)
  4. 公共静态字符串 valueOf(int intValue)
  5. 公共静态字符串 valueOf(long longValue)
  6. 公共静态字符串 valueOf(float floatValue)
  7. 公共静态字符串 valueOf(double doubleValue)
  8. public static String valueOf(Object objectValue)




class Vehicle {
    public Vehicle()
            "An example instance of the Vehicle class to proceed for showing ClassCastException");
final class Bike extends Vehicle {
    public Bike()
            "An example instance of the Bike class that extends Vehicle as parent class to proceed for showing ClassCastException");
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle();
        Bike bike = new Bike();
        Bike bike1 = new Vehicle();
        // Check out for this statement.  Tried to convert
        // parent(vehicle) object to child object(bike).
        // Here compiler error is thrown
        bike = vehicle;






// An easier way to understand Downcasting
class Vehicle {
    String vehicleName;
    // Method in parent class
    void displayData()
        System.out.println("From Vehicle class");
class Bike extends Vehicle {
    double cost;
    // Overriding the parent class method and we can
    // additionaly mention about the child class
    @Override void displayData()
        System.out.println("From bike  class" + cost);
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vehicle vehicle = new Bike();
        vehicle.vehicleName = "BMW";
        // Downcasting Explicitly
        Bike bike = (Bike)vehicle;
        bike.cost = 1000000;
        // Though vehiclename is not assigned, it takes BMW
        // as it is
From bike  class1000000.0




// An easier way to understand Upcasting
class Vehicle {
    String vehicleName;
    // Method in parent class
    void displayData()
        System.out.println("From Vehicle class");
class Bike extends Vehicle {
    double cost;
    // Overriding the parent class method and we can
    // additionaly mention about the child class
    @Override void displayData()
        System.out.println("From bike  class..." + cost);
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Upcasting
        Vehicle vehicle = new Bike();
        vehicle.vehicleName = "Harley-Davidson";
        // vehicle.cost //not available as upcasting done
        // but originally Vehicle class dont have cost
        // attribute
        vehicle.displayData(); // Hence here we will get
                               // output as 0.0
From bike  class...0.0



class Vehicle {
    public Vehicle()
            "An example instance of the Vehicle class to proceed for showing ClassCast Exception");
    public String display()
        return "Vehicle class display method";
class Bike extends Vehicle {
    public Bike()
        super(); // Vehicle class constructor msg display as
                 // super() is nothing but calling parent
                 // method
            "An example instance of the Bike class that extends \nVehicle as parent class to proceed for showing ClassCast Exception");
    public String display()
        return "Bike class display method";
public class ClassCastExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle();
        Bike bike = new Bike();
        // But we can make bike point to vehicle, i.e.
        // pointing child object to parent object This is an
        // example for upcasting of child object to parent
        // object. It can be done implicitly This facility
        // gives us the flexibility to access the parent
        // class members
        vehicle = bike;
        // As upcasted here, vehicle.display() will provide
        // "Bike class display method" as output It has lost
        // its parent properties as now vehicle is nothing
        // but bike only
            "After upcasting bike(child) to vehicle(parent).."
            + vehicle.display());
An example instance of the Vehicle class to proceed for showing ClassCast Exception
An example instance of the Vehicle class to proceed for showing ClassCast Exception
An example instance of the Bike class that extends 
Vehicle as parent class to proceed for showing ClassCast Exception
After upcasting bike(child) to vehicle(parent)..Bike class display method

结论:通过向上或向下转换,如果我们遵循父子关系,我们可以克服 ClassCastException。 String.valueOf() 方法有助于将不同的数据类型转换为 String,这样我们也可以克服。