📜  checkra1 (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:59:55.279000             🧑  作者: Mango


Checkra1n is a powerful jailbreak tool developed for iOS devices by the Checkra1n team. It utilizes the checkm8 vulnerability found in some Apple devices, which allows users to gain root access and customize their iOS experience beyond the restrictions imposed by Apple.

Key Features
  • Tethered Jailbreak: Checkra1n implements a tethered jailbreak, meaning that the jailbreak is not persistent across reboots. To enable jailbreak functionality, the device needs to be connected to a computer and jailbroken each time it is powered on.

  • Compatible Devices: Checkra1n is based on the checkm8 vulnerability, which is present on certain Apple devices with A5 to A11 chips. This includes devices like the iPhone 5s up to the iPhone X running iOS 12.3 and later.

  • Stability and Reliability: Checkra1n provides a stable and reliable jailbreaking experience, as it leverages a low-level exploit to gain root access. This results in a higher success rate compared to other jailbreak tools.

  • Versatility: Once jailbroken using Checkra1n, users can install various tweaks, themes, and extensions through package managers like Cydia or Sileo. This enables customization and allows the device to run modified software that is not approved or available on the App Store.

  • Security: While jailbreaking can potentially expose the device to security risks, Checkra1n strives to minimize those risks by utilizing a trustworthy exploit and providing regular updates to patch vulnerabilities.

Getting Started

To use Checkra1n, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Checkra1n tool from the official website and install it on your computer.
  2. Connect your compatible iOS device to the computer using a USB cable.
  3. Launch the Checkra1n tool and put your device into DFU mode according to the provided instructions.
  4. Checkra1n will detect your device in DFU mode, and you can proceed with the jailbreak process by following the prompts on the tool.
  5. Once the jailbreak is successful, you will have access to the package manager (e.g., Cydia) on your iOS device.
  6. Install tweaks, themes, and modifications to customize your device as desired.
Here is an example markdown code snippet:

$ This is a code block def hello_world(): print("Hello, World!")


Note: Jailbreaking your device with Checkra1n may void your warranty and could potentially cause issues or instability on your iOS device. Make sure to carefully follow the official guidelines and backup your data before proceeding.


Checkra1n is a highly regarded jailbreak tool, allowing iOS device users to break free from the limitations imposed by Apple and fully customize their devices. With its stability, compatibility, and extensive modification options, Checkra1n has become a popular choice among developers and enthusiasts alike. However, it's important to weigh the potential drawbacks and risks associated with jailbreaking before proceeding.