📜  训练集、测试集、验证集

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:21.773000             🧑  作者: Mango



拆分数据集的根本目的是评估经过训练的模型在推广到新数据方面的有效性。这种拆分可以通过使用 scikit-learn 的train_test_split函数来实现。


这是模型训练的实际数据集。即模型看到并从这些数据中学习以预测结果或做出正确的决定。大多数训练数据是从多个资源中收集的,然后进行预处理和组织以提供模型的适当性能。训练数据的类型极大地决定了模型的泛化能力,即训练数据的质量和多样性越好,模型的性能就越好。该数据占项目可用数据总量的 60% 以上。


# Importing numpy & scikit-learn
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Making a dummy array to
# represent x,y for example
# Making a array for x ranging
# from 0-15 then reshaping it
# to form a matrix of shape 8x2
x = np.arange(16).reshape((8,2))
# y is just a list of 0-7 number
# representing target variable
y = range(8)
# Splitting dataset in 80-20 fashion .i.e. 
# Testing set is 20% of total data
# Training set is 80% of total data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x,y,
# Training set 
print("Training set x: ",x_train)
print("Training set y: ",y_train)

# Importing numpy & scikit-learn
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Making a dummy array to represent x,y for example
# Making a array for x ranging from 0-15 then
# reshaping it to form a matrix of shape 8x2
x = np.arange(16).reshape((8, 2))
# y is just a list of 0-7 number representing 
# target variable
y = range(8)
# Splitting dataset in 80-20 fashion .i.e.
# Training set is 80% of total data
# Testing set is 20% of total data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y,
# Testing set
print("Testing set x: ", x_test)
print("Testing set y: ", y_test)

# Importing numpy & scikit-learn
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Making a dummy array to represent x,y for example
# Making a array for x ranging from 0-23 then reshaping it
# to form a matrix of shape 8x3
x = np.arange(24).reshape((8,3))
# y is just a list of 0-7 number representing 
# target variable
y = range(8)
# Splitting dataset in 80-20 fashion .i.e. 
# Training set is 80% of total data
# Combined set of testing & validation is 
# 20% of total data
x_train, x_Combine, y_train, y_Combine = train_test_split(x,y,
# Splitting combined dataset in 50-50 fashion .i.e. 
# Testing set is 50% of combined dataset
# Validation set is 50% of combined dataset
x_val, x_test, y_val, y_test = train_test_split(x_Combine,
# Training set 
print("Training set x: ",x_train)
print("Training set y: ",y_train)
print("  ")
# Testing set 
print("Testing set x: ",x_test)
print("Testing set y: ",y_test)
print("  ")
# Validation set 
print("Validation set x: ",x_val)
print("Validation set y: ",y_val)


Training set x:  [[ 0  1]
 [14 15]
 [ 4  5]
 [ 8  9]
 [ 6  7]
 [12 13]]
Training set y:  [0, 7, 2, 4, 3, 6]


  • 首先,我们使用 NumPy 库创建了一个 8×2 形状的虚拟矩阵来表示输入 x。以及代表我们的目标变量 y 的 0 到 7 个整数的列表。
  • 现在为了将我们的数据集拆分为训练和测试数据,使用了 sklearn 库中名为train_test_split的函数。
  • 具有目标变量 y 的输入数据 x 作为参数传递给函数,然后将数据集按照 train_size 中给定的大小分为两部分,即如果给出 train_size=0.8,则数据集将以训练集为给定数据集和测试集的 80% 将是给定数据集的 20%。
  • 当我们将 random_state 指定为正数时,train_test_split函数将随机拆分数据。


该数据集独立于训练集,但具有某种相似类型的类概率分布,并用作评估模型的基准,仅在模型训练完成后使用。测试集通常是一个组织良好的数据集,其中包含模型在现实世界中使用时可能面临的各种场景的数据。通常将验证集和测试集结合起来用作测试集,这不被认为是一种好的做法。如果模型在训练数据上的准确率大于在测试数据上的准确率,则称该模型存在过拟合。该数据约占项目可用数据总量的 20-25%。



# Importing numpy & scikit-learn
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Making a dummy array to represent x,y for example
# Making a array for x ranging from 0-15 then
# reshaping it to form a matrix of shape 8x2
x = np.arange(16).reshape((8, 2))
# y is just a list of 0-7 number representing 
# target variable
y = range(8)
# Splitting dataset in 80-20 fashion .i.e.
# Training set is 80% of total data
# Testing set is 20% of total data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y,
# Testing set
print("Testing set x: ", x_test)
print("Testing set y: ", y_test)


Testing set x:  [[ 2  3]
 [10 11]]
Testing set y:  [1, 5]


  • 为了展示 train_test_split函数的工作原理,我们首先使用 NumPy 库创建了一个 8×2 形状的虚拟矩阵来表示输入 x。以及代表我们的目标变量 y 的 0 到 7 个整数的列表。
  • 现在,为了将我们的数据集拆分为训练和测试数据,输入数据 x 和目标变量 y 作为参数传递给函数,然后将数据集按照 test_size 给定的大小分成两部分,即如果给定 test_size=0.2,则数据集将被划分为测试集将是给定数据集的 20%,而训练集将是给定数据集的 80%。
  • 当我们将 random_state 指定为正数时,train_test_split函数将随机拆分数据。


验证集用于微调模型的超参数,被认为是模型训练的一部分。该模型仅查看此数据进行评估,但不从该数据中学习,从而提供对模型的客观无偏评估。当验证数据集的损失大于训练数据集的损失时,验证数据集也可以通过中断模型的训练来用于回归,即减少偏差和方差。该数据大约占项目可用总数据的 10-15%,但这可能会根据超参数的数量而变化。即,如果模型具有相当多的超参数,则使用大型验证集会产生更好的结果。现在,只要模型在验证数据上的准确度大于在训练数据上的准确度,那么就可以说该模型已经很好地泛化了。



# Importing numpy & scikit-learn
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Making a dummy array to represent x,y for example
# Making a array for x ranging from 0-23 then reshaping it
# to form a matrix of shape 8x3
x = np.arange(24).reshape((8,3))
# y is just a list of 0-7 number representing 
# target variable
y = range(8)
# Splitting dataset in 80-20 fashion .i.e. 
# Training set is 80% of total data
# Combined set of testing & validation is 
# 20% of total data
x_train, x_Combine, y_train, y_Combine = train_test_split(x,y,
# Splitting combined dataset in 50-50 fashion .i.e. 
# Testing set is 50% of combined dataset
# Validation set is 50% of combined dataset
x_val, x_test, y_val, y_test = train_test_split(x_Combine,
# Training set 
print("Training set x: ",x_train)
print("Training set y: ",y_train)
print("  ")
# Testing set 
print("Testing set x: ",x_test)
print("Testing set y: ",y_test)
print("  ")
# Validation set 
print("Validation set x: ",x_val)
print("Validation set y: ",y_val)


Training set x:  [[ 0  1  2]
 [21 22 23]
 [ 6  7  8]
 [12 13 14]
 [ 9 10 11]
 [18 19 20]]
Training set y:  [0, 7, 2, 4, 3, 6]
Testing set x:  [[15 16 17]]
Testing set y:  [5]
Validation set x:  [[3 4 5]]
Validation set y:  [1]


  • 为了得到验证集,使用 NumPy 库创建一个 8×3 形状的虚拟矩阵来表示输入 x。以及代表我们的目标变量 y 的 0 到 7 个整数的列表。
  • 现在将数据集分为 3 部分变得有点棘手。首先,数据集分为两部分,输入数据 x 和目标变量 y 作为参数传递给函数,然后函数根据 train_size 给定的大小将数据集分成两部分(从中我们将得到我们的训练集)即如果给出train_size = 0.8,那么数据集将以这样的方式划分,即训练集将是给定数据集的80%,另一组将是给定数据集的20%。
  • 所以现在我们有了验证和测试组合集,其中包含最初给定数据集的 20%。该数据集被进一步划分以获得验证集和测试集,然后将上述分布的输出作为参数再次传递给 train_test_split,然后将组合数据集划分为 test_size 给定大小的两部分。即如果给出 test_size=0.5,则数据集将以这样的方式划分,即测试集和验证集将占组合数据集的 50%。