Java中的 StringBuffer appendCodePoint() 方法及示例
StringBuffer 类的 appendCodePoint() 方法将 codePoint 参数的字符串表示附加到此序列,我们需要先决条件了解 ASCII 表,因为只有这样我们才能感知输出为什么要附加特定字面量,因为已经存在分配了一个整数值。
--> appendCodePoint() Method
--> StringBuffer Class
--> java.lang Package
public StringBuffer appendCodePoint(int cp)
参数:该方法接受整数类型的单个参数cp并引用 Unicode 代码点。
Input : StringBuffer = Apple
int cp = 65
Output: AppleA
Input : StringBuffer = GeeksforGeeks
int cp = 156
Output: GeeksforGeeks?
解释:因为 65 是 'A' 的 ASCII 值,而 156 是 '?' 的 ASCII 值
示例 1:
// Java program to illustrate appendCodePoint() Method
// of StringBuffer class
// Importing required classes
import java.lang.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
// Main drive method
public static void main(String[] args)
// Reading passed string
StringBuffer sbf
= new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
// Printing the string
System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);
// Appending the CodePoint as String to the string
// buffer
// Printing the string again after
// appending codePoint as string
System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = "
+ sbf);
// Java Program to Illustrate appendCodePoint() Method
// of StringBuffer class
// Importing required classes
import java.lang.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Reading passed string by creating objecgt of class
StringBuffer sbf
= new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);
// Here it appends the CodePoint as
// string to the string buffer
System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = "
+ sbf);
// Java program to illustrate appendCodePoint() Method
// of StringBuffer class
// Importing required classes
import java.lang.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args)
// Reading passed string
StringBuffer sbf
= new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
// Printing string on console
System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);
// Appending the codePoint as string
// to the string buffer
// Printing the string on console after
// appending codepoint as string
System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = "
+ sbf);
String buffer = Geeksforgeeks
After appending CodePoint is = GeeksforgeeksA
示例 2:
// Java Program to Illustrate appendCodePoint() Method
// of StringBuffer class
// Importing required classes
import java.lang.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Reading passed string by creating objecgt of class
StringBuffer sbf
= new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);
// Here it appends the CodePoint as
// string to the string buffer
System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = "
+ sbf);
String buffer = Geeksforgeeks
After appending CodePoint is = Geeksforgeeks6
示例 3:
// Java program to illustrate appendCodePoint() Method
// of StringBuffer class
// Importing required classes
import java.lang.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args)
// Reading passed string
StringBuffer sbf
= new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
// Printing string on console
System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);
// Appending the codePoint as string
// to the string buffer
// Printing the string on console after
// appending codepoint as string
System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = "
+ sbf);
String buffer = Geeksforgeeks
After appending CodePoint is = Geeksforgeeks+