红宝石 |设置 include?()函数
include?()是 Ruby 中的一个内置方法,如果集合包含给定对象,则返回 true。如果它不包含给定对象,则返回 false。
Syntax: s1_name.include?(object)
Parameters: The function accepts a mandatory parameter object whose presence is to be checked for.
Return Value: It returns true if the set contains the given object or it returns false.
示例 1 :
# Ruby program to illustrate
# the include method
# requires the set
require "set"
s1 = Set[16, 8, 3, 5, 2]
# include method used
puts s1.include?(2)
示例 2 :
# Ruby program to illustrate
# the include method
# requires the set
require "set"
s1 = Set[1, 2, 3]
# include method used
puts s1.include?(5)