这些函数不会对调用对象进行任何更改,而是在对调用对象执行某些操作后返回一个相同类型的新数字对象。以下是实现算术二进制运算的方法。Method Operation object.__add__(self, other) + (Addition) object.__sub__(self, other) – (Subtraction) object.__mul__(self, other) * (Multiplication) object.__matmul__(self, other) @ (Matrix multiplication) object.__truediv__(self, other) / (True division) object.__floordiv__(self, other) // (Floor division) object.__mod__(self, other) % (Modulus or remainder) object.__divmod__(self, other) divmod() object.__pow__(self, other[, modulo]) ** (power) object.__lshift__(self, other) << (Bit wise left shift) object.__rshift__(self, other) >> (Bit wise right shift) object.__and__(self, other) & (Bit wise AND operation) object.__xor__(self, other) ^ (Exclusive OR operation) object.__or__(self, other) | (Bit wise OR operation)
__pow__() 被定义为接受第三个可选参数,以支持 pow()函数的三元版本。此外,如果上述任何方法不支持该操作,它应该返回NotImplemented 。
如果左侧的对象类型(可收集对象)不同,则可以使用以下方法执行算术二进制运算:Method Operation object.__radd__(self, other) + (Addition) object.__rsub__(self, other) – (Subtraction) object.__rmul__(self, other) * (Multiplication) object.__rmatmul__(self, other) @ (Matrix multiplication) object.__rtruediv__(self, other) / (True division) object.__rfloordiv__(self, other) // (Floor division) object.__rmod__(self, other) % (Modulus or remainder) object.__rdivmod__(self, other) divmod() object.__rpow__(self, other[, modulo]) ** (pow() or power of number) object.__rlshift__(self, other) << (Bit wise left shift) object.__rrshift__(self, other) >> (Bit wise right shift) object.__rand__(self, other) & (Bit wise AND operation) object.__rxor__(self, other) ^ (Exclusive OR operation) object.__ror__(self, other) | (Bit wise OR operation)
例如,如果在 a.__sub__(b) 中,a 与 b 一样不是数字类型,那么此方法将返回NotImplemented,然后要执行 a – b,我们将调用 a.__rsub__(b)。
这些方法用于实现算术赋值操作。它们不会返回新对象,而是会在调用对象本身时分配新值。就像x.__imul__(y)将被执行为x = x * y 。以下是每种方法的对应操作。Method Operation object.__iadd__(self, other) += (Addition assignment) object.__isub__(self, other) -= (Subtraction assignment) object.__imul__(self, other) *= (Multiplication assignment) object.__imatmul__(self, other) @= (Matrix multiplication assignment) object.__itruediv__(self, other) /= (True division assignment) object.__ifloordiv__(self, other) //= (Floor division assignment) object.__imod__(self, other) %= (Modulus or remainder assignment) object.__ipow__(self, other[, modulo]) **= (power of number assignment) object.__ilshift__(self, other) <<= (Bit wise left shift assignment) object.__irshift__(self, other) >>= (Bit wise right shift assignment) object.__iand__(self, other) &= (Bit wise AND operation assignment) object.__ixor__(self, other) ^= (Exclusive OR operation assignment) object.__ior__(self, other) |= (Bit wise OR operation assignment)
以下是实现一元算术运算的方法,例如数字的负数、数字的倒数等。Method Operation object.__neg__(self) – (unary minus) object.__pos__(self) + (unary plus) object.__abs__(self) abs() in-built function object.__invert__(self) ~ (complement of a number)
Method | Description |
object.__index__(self) | Called to implement operator.index() function, also used to convert a numeric type object to integer type, or we can say if __int__(), __float__() or __complex__() is not defined then int(), float() and complex() falls under __index__(). |
object.__round__(self, ndigits) | To implement the round() function, the second optional argument tells up to how many decimal places we want to round the numeric value. |
object.__trunc__(self) | To implement trunc() function. |
object.__floor__(self) | To implement floor() function. |
object.__ceil__(self) | To implement ceil() function. |