📜  Scala HashSet(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:47:14.968000             🧑  作者: Mango

Scala HashSet


In Scala, HashSet is an unordered collection of unique elements. It is a mutable data structure belonging to the scala.collection.mutable package. This collection provides fast retrieval of elements and efficient addition and removal of elements.

  • Allows adding, removing, and searching for elements with constant time complexity
  • Provides uniqueness of elements, ensuring no duplicate elements are stored
  • Implementation based on hash table data structure
  • Supports various operations like union, intersection, and difference
  • Can store elements of different types
Creating a HashSet

To create a HashSet in Scala, you need to import the necessary package as shown below:

import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet

Once imported, you can create an empty HashSet or initialize it with some elements:

// Empty HashSet
val emptySet = HashSet()

// HashSet initialized with elements
val colorSet = HashSet("Red", "Green", "Blue")
Basic Operations
Adding Elements

You can add elements to a HashSet using the += or add methods:

colorSet += "Yellow"
Removing Elements

Elements can be removed from a HashSet using the -= or remove methods:

colorSet -= "Green"
Checking if an Element Exists

You can check if an element exists in a HashSet using the contains method:

val containsRed = colorSet.contains("Red")
Iterating over Elements

To iterate over the elements of a HashSet, you can use the foreach method or perform other collection operations like map, filter, etc.:

Set Operations

To perform a union operation on two HashSets, you can use the union method:

val set1 = HashSet(1, 2, 3)
val set2 = HashSet(3, 4, 5)

val unionSet = set1.union(set2)

To find the common elements between two HashSets, you can use the intersect method:

val intersectSet = set1.intersect(set2)

To find the elements that are present in one HashSet but not in another, you can use the diff method:

val diffSet = set1.diff(set2)

In conclusion, Scala HashSet provides a convenient and efficient way to store unique elements. It offers various operations for adding, removing, and manipulating elements with constant time complexity. Its versatility makes it a valuable collection for many programming tasks.