📜  toon boom (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:01.223000             🧑  作者: Mango

Toon Boom

Toon Boom is a powerful animation software used in the film and television industry. The software offers a wide range of tools for artists and animators to create 2D and 3D animations, and is known for its intuitive interface and robust scalability.

Key Features

Toon Boom offers a number of key features that make it a popular choice for animators, including:

  • Rigging and character animation tools
  • Timeline-based editing and animation
  • Multi-plane camera options
  • A variety of brush and pencil tools
  • Support for both vector and bitmap graphics
  • Audio syncing and lip sync capabilities
  • 3D camera and lighting options
  • Support for exporting to a variety of formats, including MOV, AVI, and SWF

Toon Boom has a number of benefits that make it a popular choice for artists and animators:

  • Industry-standard software used by top studios such as Disney and Cartoon Network
  • Intuitive interface that is easy to learn and use
  • Wide range of tools for both 2D and 3D animations
  • Scalable for both small studio and enterprise-level productions
  • Consistent and reliable software with regular updates and bug fixes
Code Sample

To use Toon Boom, you will need to download and install the software. Once installed, you can open a new project and begin creating your animation. Here is a sample of code for creating a simple animation:

// Set up the stage
var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");

// Create a shape and add it to the stage
var shape = new createjs.Shape();
shape.graphics.beginFill("#ff0000").drawCircle(0, 0, 50);
shape.x = 100;
shape.y = 100;

// Create a tween animation for the shape
createjs.Tween.get(shape, {loop: true})
	.to({x: 400}, 1000, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(4))
	.to({alpha: 0, y: 75}, 500, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2))
	.to({alpha: 0, y: 125}, 100)
	.to({alpha: 1, y: 100}, 500, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2))
	.to({x: 100}, 800, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2));

// Update the stage
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);

Toon Boom is a robust and powerful animation software that is well-suited for both small and large productions. With a wide range of tools and a user-friendly interface, it is an ideal choice for both experienced animators and those just starting out.