📜  epel repo (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:40:59.709000             🧑  作者: Mango



EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is a popular open-source community-driven repository project that provides additional software packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and its derivatives. It is designed to bring a wide range of high-quality software packages not included in the official RHEL repositories to enhance the functionality and usability of these operating systems.

  • Vast Software Collection: EPEL provides a vast collection of software packages from various categories such as development tools, libraries, utilities, and applications. These packages are maintained by the EPEL community and undergo rigorous testing to ensure stability and compatibility.

  • Easy Installation: Adding the EPEL repository to your system is a straightforward process. Once added, you can easily install packages from the EPEL repository using package managers like yum or dnf.

  • Up-to-Date Packages: The EPEL community ensures that the packages in the repository are kept up to date with the latest stable versions. This enables programmers to access the latest features and bug fixes of popular software packages.

  • Backward Compatibility: EPEL is designed to be backward compatible with the official RHEL repositories, ensuring that the additional packages do not conflict with the core system packages. This compatibility allows programmers to extend the functionality of their RHEL-based systems without compromising stability.

  • Community-Driven: EPEL is a community-driven project, relying on the efforts of volunteers who maintain and update the packages. The community actively seeks feedback and contributions from users, ensuring a responsive and dynamic ecosystem.


To make use of the EPEL repository, follow these steps:

  1. Enable the EPEL repository by installing the appropriate package:
$ sudo yum install epel-release       # For RHEL 7 and older
$ sudo dnf install epel-release       # For RHEL 8 and newer
  1. Once installed, you can search and install packages using yum or dnf commands:
$ sudo yum search <package_name>
$ sudo yum install <package_name>
  1. Enjoy the expanded software collection and take advantage of the additional packages for your programming needs!

For more information and detailed documentation, visit the official EPEL website.


EPEL repository is an invaluable resource for programmers using Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With its extensive collection of software packages, ease of installation, and community-driven approach, it provides a reliable and convenient way to enhance the functionality of RHEL-based systems. Give it a try and unlock a world of possibilities for your programming projects!