📜  flutter listtile onLongPress - Dart (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:07.504000             🧑  作者: Mango

Flutter ListTile onLongPress - Dart


In Flutter, ListTile is a widget which provides a basic visual structure for displaying a selected item in a list. The ListTile widget is a commonly used widget in mobile app development. It provides a title, subtitle and leading/trailing icons, which can be customized by developers to suit their specific needs.

In this article, we will discuss how to implement an onLongPress action for a ListTile in Dart.

Implementing the onLongPress Action

Flutter provides an onTap property for a ListTile widget which allows developers to add a tap action to the ListTile. Similarly, Flutter also provides an onLongPress property for adding a long press action to the ListTile.

The following example demonstrates how to add an onLongPress action to a ListTile in Dart:

  title: Text('Title'),
  subtitle: Text('Subtitle'),
  leading: Icon(Icons.person),
  trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward),
  onLongPress: () {
    // Code to be executed on long press event

As seen in the code snippet above, to implement the onLongPress action for a ListTile, simply add the onLongPress property followed by a function that contains the code to be executed when the long press event occurs.


In conclusion, adding an onLongPress action to a ListTile in Dart is a simple process. It only requires adding the onLongPress property followed by a function that contains the code to be executed when the long press event occurs.

By utilizing the ListTile widget's properties and consuming the onLongPress action, developers can build a rich and interactive user interface for their mobile apps.