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📜  speedtest-net node.js - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:20:11.819000             🧑  作者: Mango

Speedtest.net Node.js - Javascript

If you are a developer who needs to test network speed from a computer, then Speedtest.net is the best tool for the job. With this Node.js - Javascript implementation, you can easily and quickly test your network speed.

  • Easy to use and integrate with other Node.js applications
  • Can run on any operating system
  • Provides accurate network speed test results
  • Supports multiple servers for tests
  • Can be customized to suit your needs

To install Speedtest.net Node.js - Javascript, you can simply use the following command:

npm install speedtest-net

The basic usage of Speedtest.net Node.js - Javascript is as follows:

const speedTest = require('speedtest-net');

speedTest().then(result => {

This will return the following output:

  download: 47.7, 
  upload: 10.94,
  ping: 21,
  server: { 
    url: 'http://speedtest.vodafone.pt/speedtest/upload.php',
    lat: '38.7167',
    lon: '-9.1333',
    name: 'Lisbon',
    country: 'Portugal',
    cc: 'PT',
    sponsor: 'Vodafone Portugal' 
  timestamp: '2019-08-30T14:16:58.876Z',
  bytes_received: 662712,
  bytes_sent: 1048576 

Speedtest.net Node.js - Javascript can be customized to suit your needs. You can specify which server to use for testing, set the maximum time for the test, and many other options.

Below is an example of customizing the options for testing:

const speedTest = require('speedtest-net');

const options = {
  serverId: 2400,
  maxTime: 5000

speedTest(options).then(result => {

If you need a network speed test tool for your Node.js application, then Speedtest.net Node.js - Javascript is the perfect solution. It's easy to use, accurate, and customizable. Install it today and start testing your network speed!