📜  git commit ignore eslint - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:25.587000             🧑  作者: Mango

Git Commit Ignore Eslint - Shell-Bash

As a developer, you may have encountered situations where you want to ignore Eslint errors while committing code to a Git repository. This can occur when you want to commit code that does not follow the project's Eslint rules, or when you are in a rush to get your code to production.

To ignore Eslint errors while committing, you need to add a rule to your .gitignore file. This will cause Git to ignore any Eslint errors that occur.

The .gitignore File

The .gitignore file is a configuration file that specifies files and directories that Git should ignore. This file should be placed in the root directory of your project, and Git will automatically read it and ignore any files or directories specified in the file.

To ignore Eslint errors while committing, you need to add the following line to your .gitignore file:


This line tells Git to ignore any files with the extension ".eslintcache", which are generated by Eslint.

Committing your code

After adding the line to your .gitignore file, you can commit your code without worrying about Eslint errors. However, it is important to keep in mind that ignoring Eslint errors can lead to code quality issues.

To commit your code while ignoring Eslint errors, use the following command:

git commit --no-verify -m "Your commit message here"

The "--no-verify" flag tells Git to skip the Eslint check during the commit process.


Ignoring Eslint errors can be helpful in certain situations, but it is important to remember to maintain code quality. By adding the *.eslintcache rule to your .gitignore file and using the "--no-verify" flag during the commit process, you can ignore Eslint errors while still maintaining a high level of code quality.