📜  drupal get route (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:48.355000             🧑  作者: Mango

Drupal Get Route


In Drupal, a route is a URL path that maps to a specific functionality within a module. The drupal_get_route function allows developers to retrieve information about a specific route, such as the controller, requirements, and options associated with it. This function provides valuable information for programmers working with Drupal's routing system.


The drupal_get_route function is defined as follows:

 * Retrieves information about a route.
 * @param string $route_name
 *   The name of the route.
 * @return array|null
 *   An associative array containing information about the route.
function drupal_get_route($route_name) {
  // Implementation goes here.

The $route_name parameter represents the name of the route you want to retrieve information for. It should be a string value.

Return Value

The drupal_get_route function returns an associative array containing detailed information about the specified route. The array structure may include the following keys:

  • path: The URL path associated with the route.
  • controller: The name of the controller responsible for handling the functionality of the route.
  • requirements: An array of requirements that the route must meet (e.g., permissions, access checks).
  • options: Additional options for the route, such as caching settings or form processing.
  • defaults: Default values for route parameters.
  • compiled: An internal representation of the compiled route.

If the specified route does not exist, or if an error occurs during retrieval, the function returns null.


Here is an example usage of drupal_get_route:

$route_name = 'entity.node.canonical';
$route_info = drupal_get_route($route_name);

if ($route_info) {
  // Print the route information in Markdown format.
  echo "## Route: $route_name\n\n";
  echo "Path: `{$route_info['path']}`\n\n";
  echo "Controller: `{$route_info['controller']}`\n\n";
  echo "Requirements: \n";
  foreach ($route_info['requirements'] as $requirement) {
    echo "- `$requirement`\n";
} else {
  echo "The route '$route_name' does not exist.";

The drupal_get_route function is a useful tool for retrieving information about a specific route in Drupal. Understanding the details of a route can help developers implement the desired functionality and handle necessary requirements. By using this function, programmers can gain insights into how different URLs are mapped to specific actions within their Drupal modules.

Please note that the above example assumes the usage of this function within a Drupal file or module. The output shown is in Markdown format, preserving the code snippets' appearance.