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📜  .gitignore 不工作 - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:38:46.374000             🧑  作者: Mango

.gitignore 不工作 - Shell/Bash


When working with Git, the .gitignore file is used to specify files and directories that should be ignored by Git. However, sometimes it may seem like Git is not ignoring the specified files even when they are listed in the .gitignore file. This can be frustrating for any programmer.

This guide will explore some common reasons why .gitignore may not be working as expected, provide some solutions to troubleshoot the issue and suggest best practices.

Common Causes
  1. Files and directories have already been added to the Git repository

If a file or directory is added to the Git repository before it is added to the .gitignore file, it will continue to be tracked by Git even if it is subsequently added to the .gitignore file. To stop tracking these files, you need to remove them from the Git repository using the git rm command.

  1. The .gitignore file is not in the correct directory

Make sure that the .gitignore file is in the root directory of the repository or in the subdirectory where it is relevant. Git will only look for the .gitignore file in the current working directory and its parent directories.

  1. The .gitignore file is not committed to the repository

Ensure that the .gitignore file has been committed to the repository. If it hasn't been committed, then Git will ignore it and its contents.

  1. The rules in the .gitignore file are not correct

Double-check that the rules in the .gitignore file are correct. It is important to note that the .gitignore file matches patterns, so make sure that the patterns are expressed correctly.

  1. Files or directories are already tracked by Git

If Git is already tracking a file or directory, then adding it to .gitignore file won't cause it to be ignored. You need to remove it from Git tracking using git rm --cached before adding to .gitignore.


Here are some steps you can take to ensure that .gitignore file works as expected:

  1. Ensure that the .gitignore file exists in the correct directory
  2. Confirm that the .gitignore file is committed to the repository
  3. Make sure that the rules in the .gitignore file are correct
  4. Remove any files or directories that were not ignored by Git
  5. Use git status to check if files have been added to the Git repository
  6. Clear Git's cache to ensure that the changes to .gitignore are applied.
Best Practices
  • Always start by creating a .gitignore file in the root directory of your repository.
  • Add files and directories to .gitignore before you commit them to the repository.
  • Be specific when defining patterns in .gitignore file.
  • Double-check the rules in the .gitignore file before committing.
  • Use git status to ensure that changes are being ignored as expected.

In summary, there are several reasons why .gitignore file may not be working as expected. However, by following the solutions and best practices mentioned in this guide, you can troubleshoot the issue and ensure that .gitignore works correctly.

Remember to always add files and directories to .gitignore before adding them to the Git repository and to confirm that the rules in the .gitignore file are correct.