📜  react spinkit - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:04:49.545000             🧑  作者: Mango

React Spinkit - JavaScript

React Spinkit is a collection of loading indicators built with React that can be easily integrated into any React project. It provides a variety of pre-designed animations, which can be customized according to the needs of the project.


To install React Spinkit, you can use npm or yarn:

npm install react-spinkit


yarn add react-spinkit

To use React Spinkit, you need to import the Spinner component from the package:

import { Spinner } from 'react-spinkit';

After importing, you can use the Spinner component like this:

<Spinner name="double-bounce" />

The name prop is used to specify the type of animation you want to display. React Spinkit comes with several built-in animation options such as double-bounce, wave, chasing-dots, three-bounce, and more.


React Spinkit allows you to customize the loading indicator in various ways. You can change the size, color, and speed of the animation. For example, you can set the color of the spinner to red like this:

<Spinner name="double-bounce" color="red" />

You can also set the size of the spinner by passing a size prop:

<Spinner name="double-bounce" size={100} />

Additionally, you can adjust the speed of the animation by setting the fadeIn and fadeOut props, which control the opacity transition of the spinner. The default values are 0.35 seconds, but you can change them to suit your needs:

<Spinner name="double-bounce" fadeIn="none" fadeOut="none" />

React Spinkit is a simple and versatile library for adding loading indicators to your React applications. With its intuitive API and customizable options, it's easy to integrate into any project and adapt to your specific requirements.