📜  github fork me (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:30:57.863000             🧑  作者: Mango

Github Fork Me

Fork me on Github


Are you a programmer looking to collaborate with others on open source projects? Github is the perfect platform for you! With Github, you can share your code with the community, contribute to existing projects, and even create your own projects for others to contribute to.

One important feature of Github is the "fork" functionality. This allows you to make a copy of an existing repository (a collection of code files) and make changes to it on your own Github account. You can then submit these changes as a "pull request" to the original repository, at which point the original repository's owner can review and approve the changes.

How to Fork a Repository

Forking a repository is easy. First, find a repository that you want to contribute to. You can search for repositories on Github, or you can look for repositories on websites or forums related to your programming language or framework of choice.

Once you've found a repository you want to fork, click the "Fork" button in the upper-right corner of the repository's page. This will create a copy of the repository on your own Github account.

Contributing to a Forked Repository

After you've forked a repository, you can make changes to it on your own account. When you're ready to submit your changes back to the original repository, you can create a pull request.

To create a pull request, navigate to the original repository's page and click the "New pull request" button. Github will guide you through the process of selecting the changes you want to submit and creating a pull request message for the original repository's owner.


Github is an essential platform for programmers looking to collaborate on open source projects. With the fork functionality, you can easily make copies of existing repositories to work on, and then submit your changes back to the original repository via pull requests. So what are you waiting for? Get started on forking today!

# Github Fork Me

![Fork me on Github](https://img.shields.io/badge/Fork%20me%20on-GitHub-green.svg)

## Introduction

Are you a programmer looking to collaborate with others on open source projects? Github is the perfect platform for you! With Github, you can share your code with the community, contribute to existing projects, and even create your own projects for others to contribute to. 

One important feature of Github is the "fork" functionality. This allows you to make a copy of an existing repository (a collection of code files) and make changes to it on your own Github account. You can then submit these changes as a "pull request" to the original repository, at which point the original repository's owner can review and approve the changes.

## How to Fork a Repository

Forking a repository is easy. First, find a repository that you want to contribute to. You can search for repositories on Github, or you can look for repositories on websites or forums related to your programming language or framework of choice.

Once you've found a repository you want to fork, click the "Fork" button in the upper-right corner of the repository's page. This will create a copy of the repository on your own Github account.

## Contributing to a Forked Repository

After you've forked a repository, you can make changes to it on your own account. When you're ready to submit your changes back to the original repository, you can create a pull request.

To create a pull request, navigate to the original repository's page and click the "New pull request" button. Github will guide you through the process of selecting the changes you want to submit and creating a pull request message for the original repository's owner.

## Conclusion

Github is an essential platform for programmers looking to collaborate on open source projects. With the fork functionality, you can easily make copies of existing repositories to work on, and then submit your changes back to the original repository via pull requests. So what are you waiting for? Get started on forking today!