📜  pip install quiet - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:33:42.099000             🧑  作者: Mango

pip install quiet - Shell-Bash


pip install quiet is a Python package which provides a simplified way to call shell/bash commands within Python scripts without producing the output on the console. This package can be used to run programs/websites/rest-apis that rely on backend shell/bash commands on the terminal.

pip install quiet
from quiet import shell

# Command
shell.run("echo 'Hello World'")

# Command with options
shell.run("ls", "-la")

# Command with a dictionary of environmental variables
env_variables = {"PATH": "/usr/local/bin"}
shell.run("echo $PATH", env=env_variables)

Apart from this, the package also provides two other functions for intermediate and advanced users:

# Get the output of the command as a string
output = shell.check_output(command)

# Get the exit code of a command
exit_code = shell.check_call(command)
  1. Simplified commands: Instead of running commands via the os,subprocess or Popen modules, one can use this package to run shell/bash commands.
  2. Code Consistency: With this package, the code is simplified because users don't have to write the same boilerplate code every time they want to run a command via the shell/bash.
  3. Better tool for Backend processing: This package is especially helpful for Backend Processing since Backend processing relies heavily on shell/bash commands and this package streamlines the process for Python programmers.

Integrating a shell/bash command-line-style interface into Python scripts is made simple and fast with this package. The interface provided by quiet enables programmers to easily implement shell/bash commands into Python code for better convenience, flexibility, and quality control.