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📜  libft-tester (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:43:53.645000             🧑  作者: Mango


libft-tester is a testing suite which enables developers to test their implementation of the popular libft library. The libft library, created by 42 School, is a collection of useful functions that can be used in various projects.

  • Tests all libft functions
  • Tests corner cases for each function
  • Provides detailed error messages for failed tests
  • Has a user-friendly interface
  • Prints out the time taken for each test suite

To install libft-tester, clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/Tripouille/libftTester.git

libft-tester requires libft to be installed as a dynamic or static library.


To run libft-tester, simply navigate to the libftTester directory and run the following command:


This will run all tests for every function in libft.

libft-tester screenshot

Users can also test specific functions by running the following command:

./grademe.sh [function_name]

Where [function_name] is the name of the function in libft that you want to test.


In conclusion, libft-tester is an essential tool for developers using libft. It tests all functions in libft and provides error messages for failed tests. By using libft-tester, developers can ensure that their implementation of libft is robust and dependable.