📜  abril modal boostrap - C# (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:00.488000             🧑  作者: Mango

April Modal Bootstrap - C#


April Modal Bootstrap is a lightweight and customizable modal dialog library for web developers using C# and Bootstrap. It allows you to easily create modal dialogs with custom content and behavior, and it can be used in a variety of web applications such as e-commerce sites, blogs, and social media platforms.

  • Lightweight: The library is lightweight and does not add additional bloat to your website.
  • Customizable: You can easily customize the modal's content and behavior using C# and Bootstrap.
  • Responsive: The modal dialog is responsive and works well on all screen sizes.
  • Easy to use: The library provides an easy-to-use API that makes it simple to create and display modal dialogs.
Getting Started

To get started with April Modal Bootstrap, you will need to add the library to your project. You can do this by downloading the library from the official website or by using a package manager such as NuGet.

Once you have added the library to your project, you can create a modal dialog by using the ModalDialog class. The ModalDialog class provides several methods for creating a modal, including Show, Hide, and Toggle.

Here is an example of how to create a basic modal dialog using April Modal Bootstrap:

using AprilModalBootstrap;

// Create a new modal dialog
ModalDialog modal = new ModalDialog();

// Set the modal's title
modal.Title = "Example Modal";

// Set the modal's content
modal.Content = "<p>This is an example modal dialog!</p>";

// Show the modal
Customizing the Modal Dialog
Changing the Size

You can change the size of the modal dialog by setting the Size property of the ModalDialog class. The size can be set to one of the following values:

  • ModalSize.Small
  • ModalSize.Medium
  • ModalSize.Large

Here is an example of how to create a medium-sized modal dialog:

// Create a new modal dialog
ModalDialog modal = new ModalDialog();

// Set the modal's size
modal.Size = ModalSize.Medium;

// Set the modal's title
modal.Title = "Example Modal";

// Set the modal's content
modal.Content = "<p>This is an example modal dialog!</p>";

// Show the modal
Adding Buttons

You can add buttons to the modal dialog by using the AddButton method of the ModalDialog class. The AddButton method takes two parameters: the button text and a JavaScript function to be called when the button is clicked.

Here is an example of how to add a "Close" button to the modal dialog:

// Create a new modal dialog
ModalDialog modal = new ModalDialog();

// Set the modal's title
modal.Title = "Example Modal";

// Set the modal's content
modal.Content = "<p>This is an example modal dialog!</p>";

// Add a "Close" button
modal.AddButton("Close", "javascript:modal.Hide();");

// Show the modal

April Modal Bootstrap is a great library for creating customizable and lightweight modal dialogs in your web applications. With its easy-to-use API and responsive design, it is a must-have tool for any web developer using C# and Bootstrap.