📜  inventaris (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:51.531000             🧑  作者: Mango


Inventaris is an open-source web application designed to simplify inventory management. It is developed using the Laravel framework and Vue.js.

  • Easy to use user interface
  • Multiple users with different roles and permissions
  • Ability to add/edit/delete items and categories
  • Ability to track item quantity and status
  • Barcode scanning for easy item lookup
  • Detailed item history tracking
  • Exporting of inventory data to CSV or Excel format
  • PHP 7.2 or greater
  • MySQL or MariaDB server
  • Composer
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/inventaris/inventaris.git
  2. Install dependencies: composer install and npm install
  3. Create a .env file from .env.example and update with your database credentials
  4. Generate an application key: php artisan key:generate
  5. Migrate the database: php artisan migrate
  6. Seed the database with some sample data: php artisan db:seed
  7. Build the assets: npm run dev or npm run watch
  8. Start the server: php artisan serve

Upon successful installation and running of the application, you can access it in your web browser at http://localhost:8000.


Use the following credentials to log in:

  • Email: admin@example.com
  • Password: password

The dashboard displays an overview of the inventory with important statistics such as total number of items, categories, and checked out items.


The items page lists all the items currently in the inventory. You can search for items by name, category, or barcode. You can add a new item by clicking the "Add Item" button. You can edit or delete existing items by clicking on their respective buttons.


The categories page lists all the categories currently in use. You can add a new category by clicking the "Add Category" button. You can edit or delete existing categories by clicking on their respective buttons.


The users page lists all the users currently registered with the application. Only users with the "admin" role can access this page. You can add a new user by clicking the "Add User" button. You can edit or delete existing users by clicking on their respective buttons.


Inventaris is a powerful and easy-to-use inventory management application. It is constantly being improved and updated by a team of dedicated developers. Try it out today!

# Inventaris

Inventaris is an open-source web application designed to simplify inventory management. It is developed using the Laravel framework and Vue.js. 

## Features

* Easy to use user interface
* Multiple users with different roles and permissions
* Ability to add/edit/delete items and categories
* Ability to track item quantity and status
* Barcode scanning for easy item lookup
* Detailed item history tracking
* Exporting of inventory data to CSV or Excel format

## Installation

### Prerequisites

* PHP 7.2 or greater
* MySQL or MariaDB server
* Composer
* Node.js

### Steps

1. Clone the repository: `git clone https://github.com/inventaris/inventaris.git`
2. Install dependencies: `composer install` and `npm install`
3. Create a `.env` file from `.env.example` and update with your database credentials
4. Generate an application key: `php artisan key:generate`
5. Migrate the database: `php artisan migrate`
6. Seed the database with some sample data: `php artisan db:seed`
7. Build the assets: `npm run dev` or `npm run watch`
8. Start the server: `php artisan serve`

## Usage

Upon successful installation and running of the application, you can access it in your web browser at `http://localhost:8000`. 

### Login

Use the following credentials to log in:

* Email: `admin@example.com`
* Password: `password`

### Dashboard

The dashboard displays an overview of the inventory with important statistics such as total number of items, categories, and checked out items. 

### Items

The items page lists all the items currently in the inventory. You can search for items by name, category, or barcode. You can add a new item by clicking the "Add Item" button. You can edit or delete existing items by clicking on their respective buttons. 

### Categories

The categories page lists all the categories currently in use. You can add a new category by clicking the "Add Category" button. You can edit or delete existing categories by clicking on their respective buttons. 

### Users

The users page lists all the users currently registered with the application. Only users with the "admin" role can access this page. You can add a new user by clicking the "Add User" button. You can edit or delete existing users by clicking on their respective buttons. 

## Conclusion

Inventaris is a powerful and easy-to-use inventory management application. It is constantly being improved and updated by a team of dedicated developers. Try it out today!