📜  tk inter entry - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:20:38.197000             🧑  作者: Mango

Tkinter Entry Widget

The Tkinter Entry widget is a basic input widget that allows the user to input text. It is commonly used in forms and dialogs.

Creating an Entry Widget

To create an Entry widget, we first need to import the Tkinter module and create a root window. Then we can create an Entry widget using the Entry() method.

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

entry_widget = tk.Entry(root)

Getting and Setting Values in the Entry Widget

To get the value of the input in the Entry widget, we can use the get() method.

value = entry_widget.get()

To set the value of the Entry widget, we can use the insert() method.

entry_widget.insert(0, "default value")

Note that the first argument to insert() is the index where the text will be inserted. In this case, 0 means the beginning of the widget.

Bindings and Validation

We can also bind events to the Entry widget, such as when the user types a certain key. For example, to detect when the Enter key is pressed, we can use the bind() method.

def on_enter(event):
    print("Enter key pressed")
entry_widget.bind("<Return>", on_enter)

We can also validate the input in the Entry widget using the validate and validatecommand options. For example, to only allow integers in the Entry widget, we can use the following code:

def validate_input(input_text):
    if input_text.isnumeric():
        return True
    elif input_text == "":
        return True
        return False
entry_widget = tk.Entry(root, validate="key", validatecommand=(root.register(validate_input), '%S'))

Here, we define a function validate_input that checks whether the input is numeric or empty. We then use the register() method to register the function with Tkinter, and use it in the validatecommand option.


The Tkinter Entry widget is a simple but powerful input widget that can be customized and validated as needed. By using bindings and validation, we can create forms and dialogs that are intuitive and user-friendly.