📜  Haml (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:31:05.972000             🧑  作者: Mango


Haml is a templating engine that is designed to make writing HTML markup more concise and easier to read. Haml uses indentation instead of tags and attributes to define the structure of a document. This approach is similar to that used by Python, so developers who are familiar with that language will find Haml easy to learn.


Haml has the following features:

  • Concise syntax: Haml is designed to reduce the amount of code required to write a document. This is achieved through the use of indentation instead of tags and attributes.
  • DRY templates: Haml templates are designed to be DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). This means you can define common components once and reuse them throughout your document.
  • No inline code: Haml does not allow inline code, which helps to keep templates clean and easy to read.
  • Extensible: Haml can be extended through the use of custom filters and helpers.
  • Fast: Haml is compiled into HTML and has very little overhead. This means that pages can be served quickly.

The Haml syntax is best illustrated through an example:

    %title= "My Website"
    %meta{charset: "utf-8"}
      %h1= "Welcome"
      %p= "This is my website"

This Haml template would be compiled into the following HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Website</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <div class="container">
      <p>This is my website</p>

Haml is a powerful tool for developers who want to write clean, readable HTML markup. It offers many features that make it easy to create templates that are DRY, concise, and maintainable. If you're looking for a tool that will help you write better HTML, Haml is definitely worth considering.